Hugs and Happy Organizing: Boy’s Room

hugs and happy organizing boy's room


Hugs and happy organizing are client success stories.  Here’s a story about a boy’s room. 


Kids spaces and rooms can be chaotic, overwhelming and stuffed to the brim.  More toys and games come in after each holiday and birthday.  Overnight your child seems to grow an inch and clothes are too small.  Here’s how to conquer this cluttered space.

  • Start with putting “like items” together. Match up the games together, electronics together, clothes together and crafts together.  When you see all the items together, it’s easier to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go.
  • Start small with your child if he/she is going to be a part of the team. Work together for 30 minutes to know what is most important and what to keep.  If your child wants to keep everything, think of this as a treasure hunt, set a limit with a number they suggest, or use a hula hoop to define an area of work.
  • As the parent, you help your child to learn organization, how to take care of and value your belongings and how to declutter. Establishing an orderly space helps your child in having a serene, peaceful rest spot each evening.
  • Let go of MORE.  It’s a powerful lesson to know that your space can offer clarity for you and your child.
  • Sentimentality is the biggest challenge. Store keepsakes in the top of your child’s closet or an organizer under your child’s bed.
  • Schedule decluttering before your child’s birthday, before a holiday and before back to school.  Increased order will benefit you all!


More hugs and happy organizing stories here!

2 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    Wonderful advice! I also tell parents that if a child decides to let go of something, you shouldn’t try to talk them out of it. For example, if a child doesn’t want a toy from Grandma, you shouldn’t say, “Oh, you can’t get rid of that because it came from Grandma.” We don’t want to put our hang ups onto our children’s shoulders. If it is truly special, simply accept it from the child and put it in a box out in a long term storage space.

  2. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    I agree! I often find the parent is more attached than the child to a certain item. It may have come from a family member, who the parent feels may be offended. It’s great that we can model for our children how to have less and enjoy what we have more.

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