How to Use ChatGPT for Organizing Your Home

how to use chatgpt for organizing your home

Every day, we hear about how artificial intelligence (AI) can make our lives easier and better. You can use ChatGPT to help you with the overwhelming task of organizing, too! Whether the organizing task is as small as a junk drawer or as big as a garage, ChatGPT can help inform you, motivate you, and provide structure for your efforts. Here’s how you can use AI to help you.

Create a plan

The hardest part of organizing is getting started. Make it easier by asking ChatGPT to help you create a plan. You can request a customized cleaning schedule based on your organizing needs and lifestyle, the size of your home, and the available time. You can ask, “ChatGPT, help me create a weekly cleaning schedule for a two-bedroom apartment.” ChatGPT can then generate a step-by-step breakdown, ensuring no area is overlooked, and help you estimate the amount of time needed for the area. Remember to keep your plan simple to help you get started.


Declutter first

A clutter-free space is your goal. ChatGPT can suggest decluttering strategies such as the KonMari method or the 20/20 rule (if it takes less than 20 minutes to replace and costs less than $20, consider letting it go). You can also ask for a checklist of items commonly accumulated in different rooms to help make the process more systematic. You can ask for a list of places to donate your items to make it easier to drop off stuff. Making decluttering easier is always the best first step.


Organize by category or by space

Using context to organize makes this task easier. Working with one category makes it easy to see what you have and decide what to edit. You can ask, “How many (items) of one category do I need at home.” Tackling one room at a time prevents overwhelm. ChatGPT can provide detailed checklists for organizing each space, from the kitchen to the garage. For example, you can ask, “Give me a step-by-step guide to organizing my pantry,” and ChatGPT will outline steps like categorizing food items, using clear containers, and labeling everything properly. If paperwork is a challenge, ask ChatGPT, “How long do I need to keep my insurance papers?” ChatGPT can create a record retention schedule to help you know when to shred documents.

Establish a maintenance routine

Once your home is organized and clean, maintaining it is key. ChatGPT can help you set up a recurring checklist, such as daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. You can even ask for reminders or motivational tips to keep up with the routine without feeling overwhelmed.

Get motivated with challenges and rewards

Sometimes, staying motivated is the hardest part. It is also important to add a smidge of fun to the process of organizing. Ask ChatGPT for organization challenges, like a “10-minute tidy-up” or a “one-bag declutter challenge.” You can also set up a reward system where you treat yourself after completing certain tasks.


ChatGPT is a powerful tool to help you stay on top of your home organization goals. By using it to create plans, get expert cleaning tips, and stay motivated, you can transform your home into a tidy, stress-free environment. Start today by asking ChatGPT for a personalized cleaning schedule and take the first step toward a more organized home!

Get Organized for Rodeo Houston

rodeo houston


One of the biggest highlights of the year in Houston is the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It is held at the NRG Stadium. Rodeo time brings lots of fun and excitement. However, if it is your first rodeo, you might not be aware of all the required organizing! Here is a snapshot of what to expect and what to plan for a well-organized evening at Rodeo Houston.


Digital access

All tickets are managed digitally for Rodeo. You need both the tickets app AXS and the app Rodeo Houston. Create accounts online and access your tickets for entry into the grounds, stadium entry, parking, and carnival tickets.


Arrival at the location

There are many ways to get to the rodeo. You can purchase parking from those selling access to various parking lots. There is also a parking lot adjacent on South 610 that is a credit card payment. You can also arrive by bus from various Metro stations and there is paid bus access from The Woodlands. Allow plenty of time for travel to this venue as lines are long!


Plan your fun

Rodeo Houston offers amazing treats on the grounds at the carnival and world-class restaurants outside the stadium.  Be sure to plan ahead with time to shop and dine. You can browse all the stores and eat to your heart’s content. It is one of the best spots for real funnel cake and fried anything!


Rodeo attire

Boots are not required! However, you will see amazing rodeo attire at Rodeo Houston. Rodeo fashion includes a hat, denim, flowers, and flowy dresses. Be prepared by shopping ahead and organizing your closet.


Rodeo is a 21-day event in Houston and not to be missed. It is a long day to plan for and lots of excitement to take in. For our family, we have attended since 1988 and make it an annual family tradition!

25 Strategies for Time Management for those with ADHD

25 strategies for time management with adhd


Time management is just one of the Executive Function challenges of those with ADHD. With that comes a lack of time awareness and the effect of time blindness. Being on time for a meeting, meeting deadlines, and juggling priorities feels overwhelming at times. There are practical strategies that can make a difference.

1. Use Visual Timers and Analog Clocks

Use external tools that make it easier to “see” time. Leverage timers or countdown clocks to stay aware of time passing. Post analog clocks in places that will help you move forward with work and movement. The best places for an analog clock are easily in sight at you sit at your desk or in spaces that have no window.

2. Break Tasks into Small Steps

It is common for work to feel overwhelming when it is not broken into smaller sections. Chunk larger projects into manageable tasks to avoid overwhelm. For instance, to prepare your taxes, you an create tasks such as gather documents, list income, list medical expences, list other deductions, list estimated tax payments and so forth. Each step gets you closer to the completed project.

3. Prioritize Using a Top-Three List

Prevent being overwhelmed by the length of your list. Choose the three Most Important Tasks (MITs) to focus on each day. Write that list where you can see it all day long to keep on track.

4. Set Specific Time Blocks

Use time blocking to dedicate certain hours to specific activities. A time block can be of a duration that gives you optimal focus time. When blocks are too frequent it creates paralysis. Aim for a duration that you work best.

5. Create a Daily Routine

Your daily routine is how you start the day, end the day, and start your work day. Create a checklist that helps you stay on track. The checklist helps you stay true to your plan. Consistency helps reduce decision fatigue and improves focus.

6. Use Alarms and Reminders

Alarms help us break through hyperfocus. Set multiple alarms for appointments, breaks, or task transitions. Remember to give yourself plenty of transition time to adhere to your schedule.

7. Adopt a Hybrid Calendar

There is no one perfect calendar. Your phone is with you all the time. You get online invitations to keep on your digital calendar. At the same time, you crave seeing the calendar and writing stuff down. The best way to calendar is with a hybrid combination that integrates a shared or personal calendar for scheduling.

8. Time Tasks with Double and Triple Time Estimates

Since time awareness is not a strength, it is difficult to estimate how long tasks take. Give yourself ample time to work by doubling and tripling the amount of time given to any task or project. You will feel that you can do your best work this way.  Start any task or project as early as possible to give yourself this time allocation.

9. Start with a Brain Dump

A cluttered mind makes it hard to get stuff done. Write down all tasks cluttering your mind before organizing them. Remember this long list will be prioritized and streamlined. Having a list frees up mental space to be available for real work. Choose a way to make your brain dump manageable by arranging it by category or urgency. Take the next step wth a daily and weekly list.

10. Set Boundaries for Distractions

There are so many distractions in our lives. Eliminate or limit distractions by silencing notifications or creating a focused workspace. Set a boundary for sleep and rest with charging your devices in a common charging space, not in your bedroom. Your boundaries will help you feel more productive and better rested.

11. Follow the Two-Minute Rule

It is hard to come back to a task. If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.

12. Practice Time Blocking with Breaks

Mental capacity is improved with breaks. Schedule short breaks between work sessions to reset focus. Take a walk, hydrate or text a friend to take a break and clear your mind.

13. Designate a “Landing Zone”

Looking for lost items is frustrating and time-consuming. Create a specific area for essentials like keys, wallet, or phone to save time searching. You will feel better as you start and end your day knowing where your essentials are at all times.

14. Use Color-Coding

Color can help you categorize your day. Color-code your calendar or to-do list to visually differentiate tasks such as starting the day, deep dive work, and break time. Seeing each segment helps you adhere to your plan. You can also color code your family activities on your calendar by person, activity or task.

15. Start with the Easiest Task

It feels good to accomplish a bit quickly and easily. Build momentum by checking off simple tasks first. Keep a list of quick tasks to get done to feel energized.

16. Practice Body Doubling

The science behind body doubling is that working parallel lends energy to both workers. Work alongside a friend or coworker to stay on track. You will be amazed at the results.

17. Set a “Done-for-the-Day” Time

Because time is blurry, overworking and undefined end times for work contribute to feeling drained. Define when to stop working to have time for self-care and fun. That time should be the same every day. If you decide to work longer one day, make it the same day every week.

18. Use Post-It Notes for Key Reminders

Post-it notes make everything easy to see. Place visual reminders where you’ll see them. Edit your notes once a week for clarity and to reset your goals. A favorite post-it note of mine is the 4 by 6 size with lines.

19. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Batching works well in many situations. Rather than return a single call or make a single appointment, group similar or repetitive tasks to save time and gain momentum.

20. Avoid Multitasking

Research shows that you lose time and efficiency when you multi-task. Allow yourself to do your best. Focus on one task at a time to reduce errors and stay efficient. If you are distracted by multiple tasks, write a quick list on a Post-it note to clear your mind.

21. Embrace the Power of Deadlines

Deadlines always make things happen. Set specific, short-term deadlines to create small steps for a tasks with specific outcomes. It is easier to accomplish a long term deadline with smaller chunks of deadlines.

22. Create a Reward System

Small rewards are often a key motivator. That can be a punch card with 5-10 punches for a reward. Or it can be a jar with small rewards listed by you that you reward after you accomplish particularly unmotivating tasks.

23. Declutter Your Workspace Regularly

A cluttered workspace is highly distracting. Keep your space organized to minimize visual distractions by having a weekly reset. Clear cups, toss trash and move items back to their homes to gain clarity.

24. Leverage ADHD-Friendly Apps

Many apps leverage your strengths. Choose to learn and use apps like Todoist, Notion, or Trello for tracking and planning. Each has many ways that can enhance reminders, calendars, and overall project success.

25. Practice Self-Care

The most important productivity tip is to practice self-care which includes high-protein meals, 8 hours of rest in bed, some walking outside, and hydration. Self-care is also the most difficult to accomplish. Set yourself up for success by taking time to take care of yourself.


Choose one of these strategies to implement and see the difference!

Unlocking the Power of Keystone Habits


keystone habits


Each of us has daily habits we rely on. That could be making our bed every day, drinking 8 glasses of water, or even falling asleep with the TV on or hitting snooze too many times. Certain habits have a bigger impact and have a ripple effect that influences many areas of life. These powerful habits are called keystone habits, and they act as the foundation for organizing, productivity, and overall well-being.

What Are Keystone Habits?

Keystone habits are routines or behaviors that trigger positive changes in multiple areas of your life. Just like dominoes, the natural impact of one habit hits another habit. When you establish one, it naturally encourages other good habits to fall into place. Keystone habits create a structure for your life, which helps you make better choices without overthinking them. Habits fall more naturally into place. Keystone habits set off a chain reaction of positive change. Try thinking about one of these six powerful keystone habits this week.


Quality Sleep

Getting a good night’s rest is a keystone habit that impacts every part of your life. Restful sleep leads to better brain function, better decision-making, and increase energy. That energy helps you perform better throughout the day and stay with all your other good habits.  Start this keystone habit by preparing for bed extra early. Get ready well ahead of your planned bedtime and set aside all devices for an hour.


Regular Exercise

Exercise is a game-changer when it comes to keystone habits. Exercise boosts your mood, increases energy levels, improves focus, and enhances self-discipline. Get started with a daily walk, try online yoga, park farther away, or take the stairs. Use your smartwatch to help you remember your new keystone habit.


Daily Planning

The simple habit of writing things down can lead to significant benefits. Writing stuff down can be done either by using a planner or journaling every day. Using a planner helps you stay organized, reduces anxiety, and improves time management. Journaling is a type of self-care that encourages self-reflection, gratitude, and mindfulness. Both habits create structure and clarity in your day. Start small by choosing a simple planner or journal that is both pretty and functional. Place it in a spot where it will be used daily. Choose writing implements that feel good in your hand. Choose a time of day that works with capturing your ideas and thoughts.


Meal planning

The way you eat and what you eat affects everything, from your energy levels to your mood and productivity. Mindful impacts awareness and intentionality in every part of your day. Especially important is including protein in your meal plan. Get started in a small way by making a list of foods that will be easy to prepare and what you love to eat. Start meal planning slowly by purchasing healthy boxed meals that are quick to prepare. Choose fruits and veggies that are pre-cut in the grocery store as snacks to carry with you. Partner with your family in meal planning and preparation.



Strong relationships reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve resilience. Prioritizing quality time with loved ones fosters a sense of belonging and emotional security. A quick text can make a big difference. Social support makes it easier to maintain routines such as exercising and healthy eating. Make this a keystone habit by setting time for family dinner, joining a pilates or yoga class, or sending a handwritten card.


Daily learning

Making daily learning a keystone habit helps us expand our knowledge and creativity. Perhaps you have gotten bored with all the routines. By encouraging curiosity and problem-solving, you are boosting your clarity and cognitive abilities. Daily learning can start with reading a new blog, listening to a podcast, or writing in your journal.

You don’t have to start every keystone habit or overhaul all you do. Start with just one habit and see how it leads to other positive changes. When you focus on building strong foundational routines, everything else begins to fall into place effortlessly. Which keystone habit will you start with today? Let me know in the comments—I’d love to hear about your journey to a more productive and fulfilling life!



How to Create and Use Margin In Your Life


how to create and use margin in your time management


Busy times dominate our lives. Being busy is comforting and can help relieve anxiety, but it can also be a stressor.  When you have back to back schedules that require a high level of transition between activities, you can also feel fragmented. That is when building margin into your life is appealing.

Creating a margin in your life means intentionally building space and time within your schedule for rest, reset, and recharge. By creating a buffer you are prioritizing your goals and projects as well as proactively working on your self-care.


Data gathering

A change like adding margin comes with pitfalls and it is wise to address obstacles. The most successful changes happen when you start small. Think of the smallest way you can change your habit of too much to do or too little time for transitions. Is it a matter of thinking about how much time it takes? Gather data with a timer. Have you thought about the times you need more margin? Could you make a small simple change that makes a big difference?



The best plan begins by knowing what to prioritize. First, prioritize self-care to be sure you are best equipped for your productivity. Setting a bedtime and adhering to an exercise routine are the best priorities. Alongside this are ways to connect and projects that have meaning. You define these priorities in a way that gives you time for thought, that being by spending time in solitude, reflecting and processing with someone, or journaling. A once-a-year reflection works well because priorities change.


Time blocking

Time blocking is a popular tool for calendaring and planning. You can block time for projects as a boundary for breaks and margin. Be sure to set adequate time by doubling the time you think the project will take.

There are other time blocks that can help you with margin. Build in travel and transition time in time blocks. That is time that is allocated for traveling between locations which allows for traffic snarls and gathering items to get in the car. Set a preparation time block the evening before that is for making breakfast and lunch and setting out your clothes for the next day.  Whatever you find makes you stressed or run late, set a time block to help you manage that activity.


Mindful mantras

Every plan needs good execution. Do you hit snooze when your alarm goes off? Do you delay that reminder task when it rings?  To execute your plan for margin you must have a strong “why” behind your plan. Being mindful of that concept brings your plan into reality.

Mantras are helpful here to help you remember to be more consistent in your plan.

  • “I am following my plan today to be sure I feel ready and prepared.”
  • “Keeping my time blocks gives me peace of mind and empowers my best work.”
  • ”I honor my priorities and I honor my self-care.”


Handling oops

Every day we are faced with what seems like a million decisions. Each time we have the opportunity to adhere to our set margins is a decision. Remember that oops happen and we have a new opportunity at any time to uplevel adhering to our mantras and plan. Being consistent comes from when your plan works 75% of the time.








Serving our Industry on the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO)




It is an honor to serve with my colleagues and make a difference for our clients and industry.

✨BCPO is the certifying body whose mission is to advance the credibility and ethical standards of the Organizing and Productivity industry.

✨The CPO designation is operated under the auspices of the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO).

✨CPO certification is earned by professionals who have met specific minimum standards, and proven through examination and client interaction that they comprehend the entire body of knowledge and experience required.

✨ Of the thousands of professional organizers, there are 350 certified professional organizers worldwide.

Why does certification matter?

When we are choosing a service provider for our home, we scrutinize their abilities.  Trust and ethics are at times assumed to be a part of the professionalism of those helping us. With a Certified Professional Organizer, the public can be assured of confidentiality, high educational standards and the best preparation for the job.


What are the educational standards required to be certified?

A certified professional organizer passes a difficult test pertaining to project management, job preparation, ethics, and communication. These core areas are part of every organizing and productivity project. These scope of work includes initial assessment, project plan development, project implementation, follow up, maintenance and ethical standards. These areas are the foundation for the success of any project.

What are the core values?

We believe that customers should have certified professional organizers who are experienced, ethical and educated.  The work of CPOs should be valuable and have positive impact in multiple ways.



What is needed to maintain this credential?

As you can tell, I am proud of earning this accreditation and upholding these standards. Each year I earn dozens of continuing education credits to uphold this credential. While 36 units are required, I attend one or more professional development opportunities a month to learn about new systems, new aspects of adult learning and brain based conditions.





25 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Organized Every Day

25 simple ways to keep your home organized every day

I am celebrating 25 years in business! Throughout the year I will be sharing 25 tips on many different topics. 


Keeping your home organized doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a few practical and easy strategies, you can create a calm, functional, and welcoming space. Whether tackling a single room or the entire house, these 25 tips will help you bring order to every corner of your home.

1. Start Small

Begin with one drawer, shelf, or corner. Small wins build momentum for larger organizing projects.

2. Declutter Regularly

When you feel overwhelmed, it is time to declutter. Use that feeling to edit and declutter. Take one minute to drop what you no longer need or love into a donation bag. Just that small release empowers you to release more.

3. Use Clear Bins

Clear containers make it easy to see what’s inside, which saves time and frustration. Make it easy to see what you have and know you have it, which is also money-saving.

4. Label Everything

Labels keep your storage system clear for everyone in the household. A label maker is an easy, efficient, and clear product that helps you label. Or you can take your labeling to the next step with lovely labels purchased online at Etsy or Amazon. You can buy a set for a specific space like a pantry or other area of your home.

5. Designate a Home for Everything

When everything is out, there are not enough homes for specific items. Ensure each item has a designated spot to return to after use. The best place to create a home is at the designated point of use. If that spot does not have adequate space, it is time to declutter.

6. Tackle Paper Clutter

Sort mail and paperwork daily. Take the next steps always and create a specific home for the papers once sorted. That might be a file system or simply one box for the year. Use a filing system to manage important documents.

7. Use Vertical Space

There are spots you might not be using for effective storage. Install shelves, hooks, and over-the-door organizers to maximize storage potential. Shop online for products to help with these creative storage spaces.

8. Rotate Seasonal Items

It is common for us to use additional, secondary storage. Store out-of-season clothes and decorations in labeled bins or an additional hanging rack to free up space. Turn the hangers backwards to see what you wore that is stored in this space. Cull out what has not been worn in several years.

9. Organize by Category

“Kondo” your organizing by using categories to organize. For easy access, that is to group similar items, like kitchen utensils or office supplies. Think of creative categories that match the way you think to create zones and an organized space.

10. Invest in Drawer Dividers

A drawer can be a big hole when it comes to organizing. Use dividers or baskets to prevent drawers from becoming catch-alls and keep items neatly separated. Be sure to label the spaces inside the drawer as well.

11. Create a Donation Box

The easiest way to declutter is to have a donation box. Keep a box handy for items you’re ready to part with and donate regularly.

12. Utilize Under-Bed Storage

When you think about access and extra storage, think about under-bed storage. Store less-used items in bins under your bed to save closet space.

13. Make Use of Hooks

Hooks make it easy to see what you have and easy to maintain a space. Hooks are perfect for organizing bags, hats, and coats in entryways or closets. Command hooks or decorative hooks create a nook for you to use as a landing strip in your entry.

14. Corral Cords

One of the ugly side effects of technology is the many cords around us. Use cord organizers or zip ties to manage electronic cables and chargers. Set up a common charging station to minimize cords.

15. Organize the Fridge

The inside of your refrigerator is like any other cabinet. Use bins to group similar foods and clean out expired items weekly on trash day.

16. Create a Cleaning Schedule

A tidy house is easy to organize. Creating a cleaning schedule and assigning family members to help make it easier to clean. Break down cleaning tasks by day to avoid overwhelming catch-up sessions.

17. Optimize Kitchen Storage

Add storage to your existing cabinets and drawers with a little help from organizing products. Use shelf risers, lazy Susans, and stacking containers to maximize cabinet space.

18. Designate Drop Zones

A drop zone for essentials saves time and frustration. It is as simple as setting up trays or baskets for keys, wallets, and mail near the entrance or on a dresser in a bedroom.

19. Sort Toys by Type

Toy rooms are overwhelming to both kiddos and parents. Use labeled bins or baskets for categories like blocks, dolls, or art supplies to make cleanup easier. Apply the same effort to game stations.

20. Purge Expired Products

Purchasing in preparation can lead to lots of expirations. Go through pantry items, toiletries, and medications to eliminate expired goods at the beginning and end of each season.

21. Maintain Closet Order

Love the look of order in your closet but get behind in getting dry cleaning or laundry back in order? Make it easy by hanging clothes by category or color and using matching hangers for a uniform look. Set aside a weekly time to reset your closet back to order.

22. Keep Counters Clear

No need to be a minimalist, however, you can limit counter items to essentials to reduce visual clutter. In the bathroom, set a tray with what you use regularly including a small dish for jewelry. In the kitchen use a tray to lay keys, wallets, and other essentials. When items stray off the tray, it is time for a reset.

23. Store Linens Smartly

Cull out extra linens and use shelf dividers or baskets to keep sheets and towels neatly stacked.

24. Embrace a weekly reset

Life is busy! With little time to put things away, your home gets out of order. Set a weekly time each weekend to prepare for the week ahead with a reset of getting everything back in order.

25. Involve the Family

Teach everyone in your home these organizing habits for shared responsibility and maintenance.


Start with one small step to implement organizing in your home. Remember, only you know what is best for an organized home that works for you and your family. Start small, stay consistent, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a tidy and efficient living space!


Adapting to Unprecedented Change


Adapting to unprecedented change


I am noticing a common conversation this year. It is a conversation at my home and with clients. How did life get so complicated? How is it that so much is changing and that change feels harder? This conversation is going on all around us! Recently listening to Brene Brown, I learned that we are in a super cycle of change. There is an unprecedented amount of change at an unprecedented velocity. Here are some strategies on how will we work with this amount of change.


Lay a strong foundation of self-care

When velocity is beyond our capacity, we have the power to pause. A strong foundation of self-care gives us the knowledge of when to pause. It is especially important to have a bedtime that supports a great night’s sleep. Being wise means creating a supportive environment with a common changing area for devices in the kitchen, getting ready for bed an hour in advance with no blue light, keeping your bedroom dark, and lowering the temperature in your home.


Maximize the value of organizing

Being proactive means being prepared. Tidy up your physical space, your mental clarity and your digital space while change is happening.  That includes systems for letting go and decluttering, categorizing and grouping, and then organizing and maintaining. Allocate time each week to keep the flow of organizing going at home and work. Being organized includes ways to anticipate obstacles and work to eliminate the element of surprise. Well-crafted systems take challenges into account and anticipate issues in the system. Strategize on what would go wrong in your new system and what would be Plan B or Plan C if needed. Recognize the objections of others on your team and work together to build a better system.


Take a perspective of curiosity and learning

Lead with curiosity on how you can learn when change happens. Learn a new skill or create a new system for home and work.  Become comfortable with creating “hacks” as you learn more. As you embrace learning, change feels more comfortable. Your perspective of learning will lean into personal and professional growth.


Be a data nerd

There is so much data around us now. You might have an Apple watch that tells your sleep pattern and daily step count. You have access to your financial accounts and credit reports. Use your data wisely with a healthy dose of skepticism. Remember that most information on social media is coming to you with an algorithm and curate that wisely. Learn from the data and make wise choices based on this information.


Surround yourself with support

All manner of support is around you. There is help available for all sorts of learning. The first step is to ask for help in the areas you need. Know and acknowledge that asking for help means you are proactively taking positive steps for yourself.  Move into a space of learning and connection to research the help you need. Look for people to be a part of your team who work well with change as well. Learn to be a helper to others as well. If you can give s short cut, share a meal, or give a hug, you are giving back. Remember we are all in this together.


Maintaining a positive perspective with change

There are many times when we look forward to change. A few of these are going to college, getting married, having children, buying your first home, or taking a vacation.  Each change includes experiencing something new, at a cost, involving modifying a lifestyle choice. Each of these changes involves agency, that being the opportunity for you to make decisions about the changes. When you are making a change that is forced on you, it is important to create a strong positive reason you connect with every day to have a positive perspective.


Giving yourself grace and lots of self-care.

You have high expectations. That saying, if Plan A fails there is the rest of the alphabet. Stay the course and give yourself grace. Change occurs over the long haul. Expect imperfection and those obstacles already assessed. Self-care can always be your best route to processing and accepting change. I notice that everyone does better with a good night’s rest. If it is a rough day, get in your jammies and get in bed early without your devices. Another option is being outside and getting exercise. You will feel much better after a short walk than after time on your device so get outside. Have a headache? Grab a big glass of water. You know yourself best to know how to take the best care of yourself.


As the year begins, I recommend doing a recap. Write out your recap and look back on all your resilience this year. Allow yourself to acknowledge all the successes you have had this year. This is a starting point for the new year.

My Word of the Year: Celebrate


word of the year celebrate


As the new year begins, many of us reflect on the previous year and set intentions for the coming year. For me, this reflection takes the form of choosing a Word of the Year—a single guiding concept that will shape my personal and professional decisions and perspectives. For 2025, my word is Celebrate.

Of course, “celebrate” might bring images of confetti, balloons, and people hugging together. While those images are part of my real-life and imagined celebrations, this word runs deeper. It’s about intentionally recognizing the victories, and milestones that fill our everyday lives.

Why “Celebrate”?

In the business of daily routines, it’s easy to overlook achievements or take life’s little joys for granted. Choosing “celebrate” is my commitment to pause and savor these moments. It’s a way to recognize and infuse gratitude into my year.

This word also challenges me to broaden my perspective. Celebration isn’t just about things going perfectly which rarely happens. It is about finding joy in moments of imperfection. It’s about acknowledging progress and process, and embracing life as it unfolds.

How I Plan to Celebrate in 2025

Here are some ways I’m weaving celebration into my life this year:

  1. Honoring Wins, Big and Small
    • Whether it’s a significant milestone like completing a project or something as simple as sticking to my morning routine, I’ll take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate.
  2. Creating Moments of Connection
    • Celebration often involves people. I want to intentionally connect with loved ones to share their joys and invite them to share mine with me.
  3. Practicing Daily Gratitude
    • Each evening, I’ll write down one thing I’m celebrating from the day.
  4. Embracing Festivity in the Everyday
    • From lighting a candle at dinner to playing uplifting music during chores, I’ll find small ways to make ordinary moments special.
  5. Sharing Joy with Others
    • Whether through kind words, thoughtful gifts, or simply being present, I aim to celebrate others and their accomplishments.

Challenges and Growth

Choosing “celebrate” doesn’t mean every day will be easy or joyful. Life is complicated, and challenges are inevitable each day. But this word reminds me to seek out positivity and to celebrate resilience and the lessons learned along the way.

An Invitation

If you’ve never chosen a Word of the Year, I encourage you to try it. What word could guide you through the next 12 months? And if you already have your word, I’d love to hear about it. Let’s inspire one another to embrace intentional living.

Here’s to a year of celebration—to finding joy, honoring progress, and creating moments worth remembering. Let’s make 2025 a year to truly celebrate.


How Downsizing Simplifies Your Life and Maximizes Your Space


There are times that your stuff overwhelms you and you are ready to have less. Downsizing isn’t only about moving to a smaller home. Choosing to downsize is about creating a life with fewer distractions, time for what matters most,  and focus on priorities. This might mean preparing for a move, reclaiming your living space, or simply having less to take care of in your home.  Here are some practical strategies to help you downsize with intention and ease.

Define Your Goals

Before you begin, clarify your why about downsizing. Are you looking to save money, reduce maintenance, or embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Having a clear vision will guide your decisions and keep you motivated throughout the process. Start a journal or notes about the reasons behind and the vision ahead.

Start Early

Downsizing is best approached as a marathon, not a sprint. Start well in advance to avoid feeling rushed. Starting early gives you the opportunity to work in mindful time segments. Begin by tackling one room or category at a time, such as clothing, books, or kitchenware.

Take Inventory

Empower your downsizing by creating an inventory of your belongings to assess what you own and what you truly need. This strategy keeps “just in case” out of the equation. Writing this out and seeing this on paper can be eye-opening and help you identify items that no longer serve a purpose. You will keep less as a result of this exercise.

Adopt a Space-First Mindset

Maybe you already know where you are headed next. Think about the size and layout of your future living space. Create a space guide to determine what will fit and what might need to be let go. Determine your move management plan in accordance with your downsizing.


If you are not sure, visualizing your new home can make the decision-making process easier. Keep notes about the spaces that will comprise your new dwelling and what each space will function as.  You might be dreaming of an art or hobby space and this visualization will make that a reality.


Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Prioritize keeping items that are high-quality, multifunctional, or deeply meaningful. Let go of duplicates and things that have outlived their usefulness. Prioritizing is the key to having less.


Digitize Sentimental Items

For keepsakes that take up a lot of space, consider digitizing them. Scan photos, letters, and documents to preserve memories without the physical bulk. Take photos of physical items such as trophies and kid art to create a new keepsake that takes up less space and requires less storage.


Embrace the Emotional Journey

Downsizing can bring up emotions, especially when parting with sentimental items. Take time to reflect, honor the memories, and remind yourself of the benefits of simplifying. Remember that downsizing is about creating a life that aligns with your values and priorities.