Entries by Ellen

Managing the Constant of Change

  Change is a constant in life. Acknowledging this does not make it any easier. Navigating transitions can sometimes feel like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. From medical challenges to switching jobs to moving homes or adjusting to a new routine, change can bring a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. With preparation, self-awareness, and […]

Simplify Tax Preparation

  Tax season often brings a sense of dread and confusion for many individuals. The myriad of forms, deductions, and deadlines can be overwhelming. With a simple, step-by-step approach to preparation and organization, your task will be less stressful and less time-consuming. Here are some practical tips and strategies to streamline the tax preparation process. […]

How to Streamline Your Digital Life for Spring

  Spring is the perfect time to not only clean out our physical spaces but also to declutter our digital lives. From overflowing email inboxes to disorganized files on our devices, digital clutter can add unnecessary stress and hinder productivity. Here are five practical ways to help you streamline your digital workspace and create a […]