Tag Archive for: Familiy events

Family Celebrations

family organizing


Your kids will remember all your family celebrations and traditions.  Birthdays, confirmations, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day  are events that bring your family a special joy of celebrating a person. Holidays like July 4th celebrate family values like patriotism.   Holiday traditions like Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa celebrate spirituality.  Precious family memories are formed this way.



Planning ahead

All family events require planning and execution.   Keeping your plans simple and including the family team in the execution make family celebrations joyful.  Brainstorm with your family which events to celebrate including birthdays.  Mark your calendar for these events on both your personal and family meeting calendar.  Create a list for the event including invitations and purchases. Develop a time line for invitations, purchases, and preparing your home and food.  Can you delegate to your team members according to their strengths? Can you kids address invitations? Can your spouse do the food shopping?


Make family time more manageable.

As the event comes closer, break the jobs into small chunks. Manageable pieces, like setting the table, decorating, and cleaning one room at a time, can make the event less overwhelming.  Get a good nights rest the evening before the event.  All families require energy to be flexible and enthusiastic. 


Fun is the focus

Welcome the fun of a family celebration, regardless of what goes awry! Sharing in family events is about the time together! Don’t worry about it being perfect. Focus on the happy times.