Declutter with these 6 Smart Strategies




The change of seasons calls us to do some decluttering. With this change around us outdoors, we feel inspired to make change indoors.  There are many strategies that can help you declutter.  Try one of these 6 smart strategies to declutter your space at home or work.


Tournament Method

The Tournament Method helps those who are especially overwhelmed. Just like in any sport, compare two items and one “wins.”  Keep the winner and pit it against another “competitor.”  Soon you will have eliminated almost half of your items.  If you want to keep your decluttering simple, the Tournament Method works well.


Treasure hunt

Rather than decide about what to give away, decide what is a treasure to keep.  A treasure hunt strategy keeps you positive and pro-active.  When sifting through a large box, dig for treasures only.  The rest is decluttered and given away. The Treasure Hunt method works well if you tend to lose focus when you are decluttering.


FlyLady Method

FlyLady has been a staple for many to help start decluttering.  Her strategy relies on small, fun tasks that break your decluttering into bite size efforts.  Establishing small routines makes your decluttering happen. One of my favorite routines is the 27 fling boogie.  You grab a garbage bag and eliminate 27 items at a time.  If you are a person who is looking for decluttering routines, Fly Lady’s method work help you make changes.



Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus write the blog, The Minimalists.  Their game came from their new perspective on stuff and minimalism.  The game starts on the first day of the month. On day 1, you eliminate 1 item. On day 2, you eliminate 2 items. And so it goes.  It’s a great way to make a game of your decluttering.  Challenge others in your circle to play too.


Keep the End in Mind

Organizing guru Peter Walsh  reminds us to Keep the End in Mind. Create a vision of what your space will look like decluttered. Permit only what will work with that vision to remain.  Use a vision board, pinterest, or a magazine to help you stay focused on your goal.  Knowing what you want your space to look like when completed helps you make decisions on decluttering.


Konmari Method

Recently Marie Kondo, best selling author of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, created the Konmari method to declutter.  Her mantra about the items we own is, “does this spark joy?” Keep only what brings a smile to your face.  Does everything have to bring you joy?  For Ms Kondo the answer is “yes!”  Surrounding yourself with only what is fabulous is definitely life changing.  Learn more about the Konmari method here.


No matter the method, get started on  your decluttering today!  Your changes in your space will bring about changes in your daily attitude, stress and positivity.


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17 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I love this round-up of some great organizing strategies. The Tournament method is surprisingly effective when you’ve accumulated “like” items… such as boxes of artwork. You don’t need to keep 200 rainbow drawings, only the best!

  2. Elizabeth S.
    Elizabeth S. says:

    Ellen, you are so resourceful! Who else could come up with a list of decluttering strategies that haven’t already been shared umpteen times? I think the treasure hunt would work best for me, as it resembles a favorite activity, resale shopping. Thank you.

  3. Dawn Leake
    Dawn Leake says:

    I like the Treasure Hunt along with the Konmari Method. I enjoy all the things in my home now, but I still need to declutter so I plan to share items with Festival of Angels at FPCK and most importantly share the items I love with my children now. Nothing brings a smile to your face more than seeing your items displayed when you visit your children in their homes.

  4. CAROL
    CAROL says:

    Oh, I love the Treasure Hunt Method! I believe that I am in a lifestage now in which my decluttering will be not only focused on downsizing, but on downsizing with intent to pass on “just the good stuff” to my sons’ families. Being the sentimental type (family photos abound!), this Treasure Hunt Method seems to fit me best! Thanks for the brief summary, I’ll pass it along!

  5. Nacho Eguiarte
    Nacho Eguiarte says:

    Ellen, all of them are great method to eliminate clutter and more important staying organized. Although not all of us can be a minimalist per se, we could get lots of benefits applying some techniques. I now, try to eliminate as much stuff as I can and my life is more and more easy, because I worry less for things in many cases I don’t even remember I had. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  6. Dora
    Dora says:

    Thank you Ellen. My favorite is Minsgame. Thanks to all of your one on one help, keeping organized is getting easier for me. You have been such a great help. You always have great options for every season of life. Thanks again

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  1. […] declutter. Make decisions based on what you love and what you use. If you have difficulty, use the tournament method to decide between two items at a time. How many you keep in the end of any item is […]

  2. […] Your goal is to keep what’s most valuable to you.  Organizing can also be about finding and unearthing treasures. You can take the “treasure hunt” perspective where you sift through items to find what […]

  3. […] Minimize the clutter by bringing in as little as you can.  Be sure it’s something you must acquire before you purchase it. […]

  4. […] Declutter with these 6 Smart Strategies […]

  5. […] you have not found a home for yet.  Set aside time on your calendar in 2 hour segments for decluttering.  You can get these areas back to their original use easily and […]

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