How to Master the Two Most Challenging Chores at Home: Laundry and Meal Prep

how to master the two most challenging routines at home laundry and meal prep


No one likes to do chores and there are countless chores to do. Two of the most demanding responsibilities at home are laundry and meal prep. This is likely because these are both ongoing responsibilities with multiple steps. By understanding the challenges of these chores and implementing practical solutions, you can move from being overwhelmed to being in charge.

Obstacles of the never-ending laundry pile

Laundry is often described as never-ending. Overflowing hampers, piles of clothes on the floor show, and the constant need for clean clothes can be overwhelming and discouraging. In addition, there are many steps in the process including sorting, washing, drying, folding, and putting away. Drying ranges from hanging to folding. Folding can require precision. Putting away is a consistent challenge in most homes. Many people think more clothes means less laundry which is truly the opposite case. When you procrastinate the challenges get bigger. You can see where this system can be easily be broken.


Solutions to laundry challenges

  • The core of laundry completion lies in routines. Set a specific day for laundry or do laundry every day. A specific day means you will have sufficient clothes during that time period. Having that day set aside for laundry means you are at home and can do a few other chores between loads. You can assign a day to your kiddos to do their laundry to teach them these skills. Another option is to do laundry every day. Daily laundry means you can do smaller loads. Working with smaller loads it is easier to finish the task because it is less overwhelming. Routines are a key part of the system you create.
  • Simplicity makes laundry easier. Instead of a laundry hamper, throw the clothes directly into the washer. When the washer is full, do a complete load. Separate your loads by person or by items. You can wash only towels and sheets one day and only underwear and exercise one day. With categories, you are folding and putting away like items which is less tedious.
  • Make laundry fun – or as fun as possible. Listen to a podcast or playlist while folding. Host a laundry party with your family. Partner up with a friend or family member to do laundry together.
  • Remember it is not about perfection but about completion. If you and your kiddos are not good at folding, use bins. Declare sock bankruptcy and let go of all your solo socks when you have too many to match.


Conquer the kitchen chaos

Meal prep feels like all too much with the demands of work, school, and extracurricular activities. Each step of planning, preparing, and clean up takes ample time. Deciding what to cook can be exhausting and stressful. Many families have multiple dietary needs which complicates meal planning. There is a lot of pressure to provide carefully planned nutritious means. Keeping meals varied, nutritious, and served at a time everyone can eat makes this effort more than you can manage.


Making meals happen

To the rescue is streamlining your meal prep process and enjoying stress-free mealtimes!

  • A little structure helps the meal planning system. Assign days to each step of the meal planning and prepping process. Each step should have an assigned day or be completed in one long day.
  • Try batch cooking and preparing double recipes.  Store these in portion-sized containers for use another week.
  • Using semi-homemade and pre-cooked ingredients makes assembling meals a breeze. A rotisserie chicken can be made into a chicken pot pie, chicken noodle soup, and chicken and dumplings. Frozen veggies are a nutritious easy-to-prepare side to go along with a protein.
  • Remember the goal of dinner is time together. Sandwiches, soups, cereal, and charcuterie boards count for dinner. The less prep, the less clean up, and the less mess the better.
  • Kitchen appliances have come a long way. An Instapot or crockpot saves you time preparing dinner. Using these once a week these become life-savers.
  • Just like laundry, meal prep is a great family activity. It also helps your kiddos learn math and reading. Assign partners for meal prep and clean up to help make dinner easier to do.

Balancing the Load

While laundry and meal prep are definitely a challenge, they don’t have to be overwhelming. These practical tips can help you conquer these chores. Remember, the key is to establish routines, plan ahead, keep it simple and do what works for you and your family.

2 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I’ve been thinking recently about how household chores used to be a full time job, mostly for the female of the house. Because this work was not compensated financially, the time, effort and value wasn’t really acknowledged. Now that women are working as much as men, there is an awareness that all of this stuff takes time and energy. You can’t easily just “hire it out,” even if you have the means. It’s many moving parts.

    I love all of your advice. I mostly do one load of laundry each day. I’ve taken to making Wednesday “towel day.” Having this routine helps me extend less mental energy to getting things done.

    Similarly, we eat out mostly on Sunday evenings, so I don’t have to worry about that night. Last week I cut up a bunch of onions that were getting old and froze them. I know that will come in handy on a busy day.

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