Rubbermaid Rocks!

could this be more adorable?
We all want our kids’ lunches to be more nutritious. What better way to add salad, veggies or yogie than with a new Rubbermaid Take Along and Blue Ice shape! This is an adorable way to pack a nutritious lunch for your kiddles. It brings a smile to everyone’s face.
In adorable shapes, like this monkey, who wouldn’t want to bring lunch. My grand daughter squealed with delight when she saw it! She took it in her lunch the first day of school. Her mom always packs her a healthy low fat lunch including yogurt and string cheese, so this is a convenient addition to her sack lunch. We keep it in the freezer, pop it in early in the morning and things stay cold all day. Pop it back in after school and it freezes overnight!
Other ideas for fun lunches?
· ham and cheese roll up skewered with a pretzel
· veggies and small dip
· celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins
· apple wedges with peanut butter and a marshmellow
Want to win this new product? I am hosting a contest for a Rubbermaid TakeALongAFunLunch ice.
Email me with your most creative and delicious lunch for your child’s lunch sack.
Deadline for submissions is September 21.
Check out more about Rubbermaid at
Read the Rubbermaid blog at:
This is the cutest little Rubbermaid ever. My lunch tip is always to just pack a apple slicer and corer hickey doodle and the kids cut the apples themselves so they don’t turn brown.