Small and Big Changes for 2014


One of the most powerful parts of social networking is the connections and collaborations we make! I asked my social media peeps to share their small and big changes this year.  I loved learning a little more about each of them and what the new year holds for them.

The one change I would like to make in 2014 is to change my way of thinking.  I’m generally a positive person, but as a woman, a wife and a mom, I see images of perfection everywhere. I want my change to be from within myself. I want to eliminate the negative self-talk that is so damaging. I want to practice more thankfulness and gratefulness and I want to be more present in my life and slow down to simply enjoy the little moments that make up each day.”

Joanie Zisk, Food/Travel Writer, Blogger at






My expectation for 2014 is to train myself to just “GO”… When it comes to projects/ideas/dreams, I am strong at “ready” and “set,” but often flail in the action. Fear and self-doubt are two big enemies. What am I afraid of? I plan to achieve both personal and professional growth this year taking “go” to the next level. I will stop second-guessing the outcome and just do it!

Vicki Powers

Journalist, Blogger

@HOUcheap, facebook (HoustonOnTheCheap), 



One of my three words for 2014 is Nourish. For me, this covers a multitude of areas – health, fitness, stress management, life management and self-care. Instead of saying I’m working out so many days a week, I have opted for the overall theme of Nourish. As I make both small and big decisions in 2014, I ask myself: Does this Nourish me? As Jason Womack says, I’m giving myself the gift of my own attention.  

Janice Marie Simon, MA, CPO

Certified Professional Organizer

Twitter @janicesimon

Linked in:




This year I have sent my mind to become better at 3 things:  golf, yoga and painting.

 Geralin Thomas

Organizing Consultant

Twitter:  @Metrozing,




2013 was a big year of change for me both personally and professionally which left me working all the time! One big change I am taking small steps to do is to not work as much. I only have a few years left before my kids head off to college (or whatever awaits them after high school) and I don’t want to look back and say “I wish I had spent more time with them”. So far it is going well… keep your fingers crossed.

Kathy Jenkins, Certified Professional Organizer and Certified Family Manager Coach

Professional Organizer and Student Organizing Expert



What are you small and big changes for 2014?

4 replies
  1. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    What an inspiring post, Ellen! I love reading the ways people are thinking about crafting this new year. Janice’s word, “nourish” really resonated with me. There are so many ways to do that, but it feels all encompassing in a good way. Might need to adopt that word for my 2014 too.

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