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How to Be More Organized in the New Year

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Each new year we reflect on the last year and want a fresh start.  About a third of us want to be more organized this year.  There are lots of skills to learn to be more organized.    It takes more than just organizing skills and decluttering to be more organized. It takes new perspectives.  These perspectives are to be intentional, be mindful, be consistent and be less hurried.


Be intentional

Each purchase you make, each item you bring into your home, and each project you put into motion must be intentional. Be sure your actions align with your intentions this year. If your intention is to be more organized, few items should cross your threshold without a specific purpose in  your life.  By being intentional this new  year you will find less paper, stuff and mind clutter.


Be mindful

Keep alert to what derails you this year.  As you are proceeding on with new and existing projects, stay in the moment of that project.  It’s easy to start but hard to complete or follow through.  Those projects include both home and work projects. Distractions of all sorts take you off track. Give yourself the opportunity to be more organized this year by being mindful.


 Be consistent

It’s hard to do the same whatever over and over again. But that’s what makes for steady progress and lasting maintenance.  You can have the most organized files, home, or office, but it’s the maintenance that makes for ongoing organization.  Consistency comes from having a routine to accomplish your tasks.  It is having a structure in your week that gives you a time to get organized and stay organized.


Be less hurried

Time is the most important part of organization. When we are hurried, everything falls apart. We rush in and out of our homes and offices, leaving no time to organize our stuff, let alone put it where it belongs. When we pace ourselves well, we can leave ourselves time to organize our papers before a meeting, put away our purchases where they belong and get ready for the next day.  Whether it’s with meditation, prayer or through physicality, set in motion ways to help yourself to be less hurried this year.  The impact on your organizing will be rewarding.



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