School is in full swing. Your kids have after school scouts and ballet. Your work requires extra hours and your partner travels. How do you pull together your family for cohesiveness an collaboration? It’s time for your family meeting! Follow these three tips for a productive family meeting.
What is a family meeting? It’s a time everyone gather together to share their upcoming activities, share family responsibilities, plan ahead as a family and have some family fun. Set aside the eye rolling from either your kids or your partner as family meetings are an important way to stay on top of what is going on and prioritize your family unit.
Keep it short
No one wants to sit for hours in any meeting. Keep a quick agenda for your meeting. Start the meeting promptly and run through the calendars of each family member. Record this on a month at a glance calendar, either digital or paper. This part of the meeting should be limited to 20 minutes max.Post it prominently where everyone sees the calendar regularly. (Near food is good!)
Focus on positive communication
Next move on to family fun. Alternate who gets to choose the fun, including mom and dad. Have a list of possible activities, in case there is dissension. Whether it is a good old fashioned kick ball game, a walk, or a fabulous dessert, focus on positive communication and sharing. There are no wrong answers to having fun! Acknowledging feelings and active listening create collaboration in families. Promote a team attitude by working together and playing together.
Set a time that works
Family meetings can be any time of the week. Setting aside a time to meet consistently is important. It can be when your family is gearing up for the week, such as early Sunday evening. It can also be when you are gearing down from the week, like Friday evening. Be sure it is a time everyone can attend and guard this time from other distractions.
My own kids recall our family meetings to this day! It has sparked their own versions in their homes, including High, Low and Dirt. This nightly conversation starter in my son’s home has to do with what was good, bad and just plain interesting in their and their kids’ lives that day.
When can you start hosting a family meeting in your home?
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