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Turning Over a New Leaf: ADHD Friendly Fall Decluttering Strategies


adhd friendly fall decluttering strategies


As the Fall begins, the energy of the season moves us forward to declutter our space. For those with ADHD, the idea and action of editing might feel overwhelming. With the right strategies, you can turn that energy into momentum. Here are some practical methods that are tailored to ADHD minds to bring clarity and organization to your spaces.


Understanding the challenges that come with ADHD

Decluttering can be especially challenging due to difficulties with decision-making, sequencing, and sustained attention. In addition, challenges with initiation and perfectionism may make it more difficult to start or finish decluttering in your space. These strategies are curated to align with these challenges.


Fall decluttering strategies

Set yourself up for success with these tips.

  • Set small goals for your work.  Rather than decluttering an entire home, start with smaller areas to work. You can focus on one drawer, one shelf, or a small surface.  Starting small will help you have a shorter time to work, making it easier to maintain focus. You will have fewer decisions to make in a smaller area. These small successes will boost your motivation and confidence.
  • Use a timer to keep on task. With the Pomodoro Technique, you can set a timer for 20 minutes and declutter. Then you can take a 5-minute break. Alternate work and breaks for 3 segments. The timer will help you maintain attention and focus.
  • Sort by categories. Using context can make a difference in knowing what to keep and how many to keep. Sorting into categories makes decision-making easier.  You can sort by season, and decluttering from the summer knowing what you have used or what is ready to go. You can tackle books one day, clothes another day and kitchen items another day. It is easier to make decisions.
  • Ask a friend to be your clutter buddy. As your clutter buddy, they are working as a body double with you.


Fall maintenance strategies

Keep your space organized with these strategies.

  • Make it as easy as possible to maintain your space with simple rules. Use the five-minute rule to put away items ASAP. This prevents clutter from building up and becoming overwhelming.
  • As items come in, use a two-out and one-in rule. Adopt the rule that for every item that comes in, two items leave.
  • Remember that easy maintenance prevents stress. Resetting your space every Sunday is prepping for a successful week.
  • Every item needs a home. Before you purchase, review what you have and know what you need. Never shop without a list so you know what you need.
  • Make it a team effort. Work with your family or bring in a helper to get stuff back to its home. Outsourcing assistance makes it easier to maintain your space.

Embracing the energy of Fall with decluttering can be manageable by tailoring your strengths to your work. As you clear the clutter, you will find that your mental clarity and focus also improve.