Tag Archive for: more than word of the year

2024 My Word of the Year: Reimagine

2024 word of the year reimagine



As we enter the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect, set intentions, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Instead of the traditional New Year’s resolutions, many are turning to the practice of choosing a “Word of the Year” to guide and inspire their journey. I love the simplicity and beauty of this practice. I also want to share the thoughts behind the word that will be my compass for the year: “Reimagine.”

Choosing Your Word of the Year

Selecting a Word of the Year is a powerful practice that involves choosing a single word to reflect your intentions, aspirations, and the energy you want to bring to your life this year. Unlike traditional resolutions, your word offers guidance and clarity for your life and at work.

Here’s a guide to help you choose your word:

  • Take a moment to reflect on the past year. What lessons did you learn? What areas of your life do you want to enhance or transform? Consider both the challenges and triumphs.
  • Are there recurring themes or goals emerging from your reflections? Is there a common thread that reveals a particular focus?
  • Consider your emotions for the coming year. Do you seek joy, courage, balance, or growth? Your chosen word should resonate with the emotions you want to cultivate.
  • Your vision of your year will empower your Word of the Year. What images, colors, or themes come to mind? Visualization can help uncover a word that aligns with your aspirations.

The Power of “Reimagine”

Now,  let me share with you my chosen word for the year: “Reimagine.” This word holds a world of possibilities that encourages curiosity and challenge, fostering creativity and innovation.

  1. Embracing Creativity:
    • “Reimagine” challenges us to approach life’s canvas with a palette of creativity. In my career, relationships, and personal growth, I am looking towards a spirit of innovation that will open up possibilities.
  2. Adapting to Change:
    • In a world that is constantly evolving, “Reimagine” invites me to embrace change with open arms. It encourages a mindset shift which includes viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation.
  3. Cultivating Resilience:
    • Life is a journey filled with twists and turns. “Reimagine” prompts me to bounce back from setbacks and find new paths. I look forward to cultivating additional resilience.
  4. Expanding Perspectives:
    • “Reimagine” encourages me to break free from limiting beliefs and explore different perspectives. This word opens up the lens of curiosity, empathy, and understanding.


Choosing your Word of the Year is a lovely way to set the tone for the upcoming year. Whatever word resonates with your heart, let it be a guiding light toward growth, joy, and fulfillment. Here’s to a year filled with wonder, transformation, and the joy of rediscovery!

2023 My Word of the Year Trajectory

2023 word of the year trajectory


For many years now I have used my word of the year as a guidepost for my work and life. It appeals to me as a way to keep my big picture in view and follow through with the intentions I set for myself. As a whole, we are moving away from new year’s resolutions. Those resolutions were easily made and easily broken. Some resolutions were not specific and some were too difficult to achieve. The Word of the Year keeps us mindful throughout the year of our intentions.


This year I have chosen the word trajectory.

A noun, defined as the path or curve followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces. Similar words are course, route, path, track, or line.

You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results. James Clear, Atomic Habits

While events change our lives, intention changes the trajectory. ― Richie Norton

However, a good life consists of more than simply the totality of enjoyable experiences. It must also have a meaningful pattern, a trajectory of growth that results in the development of increasing emotional, cognitive, and social complexity. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Why this word?

Over the previous years, I have included data-driven decisions in my work and life. A trajectory follows data. That makes use of the data I have to hopefully create a curve that I have planned. As our lives evolve and we continue with uncertain times, my goal is a positive, upward trajectory. As we know, this is not always the case. Have you seen the Liz and Mollie squiggle that represents the true trajectory to tackle a project? That squiggle reminds us the path is not always straight up to the right. However, that squiggle also represents forward movement no matter.

Life and relationships are less predictable. Gratefully embracing the connections with a positive trajectory is my goal. Life is more squiggly than work!


Setting your Word of the Year

Setting your Word of the Year is a positive exercise. Think about this year and what might not have happened. Then, think about a small change you want or something you want to continue. Try on two or three words for your word.  It is a small way to assess where you are and where you want to be.






How my Word of the Year Strategic Made a Difference


Each year I recap the experience of my Word of the Year. It helps me evaluate the impact of my word and helps me choose a new word. Reflection and evaluation can be insightful and bring the experience full circle to start again.


What this word meant to me

Details are important. However, details can overshadow and pull us down to the point that we miss the big picture. This year I wanted to start in a new direction and keep a big view of my business, my work with clients, my connections, and my purpose. The word Strategic came to me as a way to get that big picture. Rather than getting stuck in details, I wanted a way to see a new view of how to move forward and how to help others move forward as well.


How I used my word this year

My word Strategic gave me so much more insight than I might have imagined.

  • Being strategic gave me boundaries. When details got too big or heavy, I had a bigger perspective on a situation. Those boundaries helped me see where to move forward in a circumstance, with a connection, and with where I spend my time.
  • When you are strategic, you have big goals. Big goals give direction. I felt empowered to think beyond the day-to-day work and know how to broaden my scope of work. I have the confidence to work within a larger framework.
  • Through coaching, my word Strategic was a guide for helping others find their direction. Being strategic taps into all of our core values. Bringing those values to the top helps me and allows me to help others to reach their goals.


What’s next

As 2022 comes to a close, my word of the year is going to continue to guide my actions and thoughts. Taking my word Strategic forward will serve me well.


Bonus! Use this Year in Review to evaluate your year!



year in review