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Spring Organizing for Busy Families: How to Get Organized Without the Stress

spring organizing for families


As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, the arrival of spring is a sign that it is time for organizing. However, with our busy schedules of work, school, and extracurricular activities, finding the time and energy to tackle this project can feel overwhelming. Here are some practical tips and time-saving strategies so busy families can streamline their efforts and achieve the goal of an organized home.


Create a plan

Before starting, take time to assess your priorities and set realistic goals. Identify the areas of your home that require the most attention and focus your efforts there. Break down the process into manageable tasks so that even with a packed schedule you can accomplish your goals. Typically the areas that need the most effort are bedrooms, kitchen, entryway, and garage. Create a manageable plan that fits into your routine. Whether you prefer to tackle one room at a time or dedicate a specific day of the week to organizing a structured plan will be a commitment to the goal.  Involve everyone in your family and assign age-appropriate tasks to share the workload and foster a sense of teamwork. Help everyone learn the skills of time management and organizing by working together and sharing the responsibility.


Declutter First

Clutter can quickly accumulate in busy households, making it difficult to clean and organize effectively. Before diving into deep cleaning tasks, take the time to declutter and purge unnecessary items from your home. Encourage family members to donate or discard items they no longer need or use, helping to create a more streamlined and clutter-free living environment.


Make organizing fun

With busy schedules, organizing often comes last in priority. The best way to overcome this is with a fun approach to reaching your goal. Look for opportunities to incorporate tasks with music and games. Tidying up with a playlist and assigning levels of accomplishment to decluttering can make everyone feel more engaged in the process. An example of gamification might be Level 1 trash pick up gets 5 points, Level 2 decluttering gets 10 points, and so on to reach a reward level that “unlocks” a prize.


Remember self-Care

It’s essential to prioritize self-care to have the energy to organize. Establish break times, stay hydrated, ask for help, and have healthy snacks.  Your goal will require spreading out tasks over several days or weeks to avoid exhaustion. Celebrate your progress along the way and reward yourself and your family for a job well done.


Spring organizing doesn’t have to be a source of stress for busy families. By setting realistic goals, creating a schedule, decluttering, and prioritizing self-care, you can tackle spring organizing confidence and ease. With a little planning and teamwork, you’ll have your home sparkling clean and organized in no time, with time to get outside and enjoy the season.