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Week by Week Holiday Planning



week by week holiday planning


The weeks of December pass quickly! There are more activities to attend and more tasks to do as each week goes by.  Focusing on one task per week, even with all the events to attend, makes it easier to enjoy the holidays. You will have to make decisions on what is most important for your family, meaning that some tasks may not happen at all. Prioritize first, then follow this weekly plan.


Before the end of November – create your holiday calendar

Start off with your family’s holiday calendar. Holiday social schedules, school activities and religious events are all part of the fun and at the same time overwhelming.  Those with with ADHD feel stressed with all the responsibilities and multiple overlapping events. Be wise to choose which engagements are most important and put these on the calendar. For those last minute oops events, decide which take priority or if you can attend multiple events on the same day.  Prepare for the energy needed to attend, the transitions between events,  and the preparation time for you to be ready.


First week of December – decorate for the holiday

Decorating gets us in the holiday spirit. Gather on the weekend to decorate your home and tree for the holidays. Take out all the decorations, mark which ones you are using this year, and let go of what is broken and in less than good condition. Keep your perfectionism in check as  you and your family work together on this.

If you celebrate without decorating, use this time to volunteer and give back. There are many needs in your local community where you can make a difference.


Second week of December – purchase and wrap your holiday gifts

Gift giving is part of the joy of the season. Organize what you have and make a list to know what  you still need to purchase. Wrap as you go by setting up a wrapping station and place gifts under the tree as you wrap. Be prepared with tape, gift wrap, bows, tissue and gift bags. Many families are opting for the Four Gifts or the gift of experiences. Mail your gifts now to avoid the holiday rush and have these arrive on time.


Third week of December  -mail your holiday cards or bake holiday treats

Start by choosing a family photo and card. Many stores have 2 day delivery of cards. Gather the cards you have received and your contacts list to create an address list. Purchase stamps online or at local groceries or pharmacies. Enjoy watching a holiday movie while you address and stamp.


If cards are not on your list this year, use this time for baking holiday treats. Keep it simple with up to three treats to bake or make. Be prepared with holiday tins for gift giving. Invite your family to bake with you as part of holiday traditions. Bake extra goodies to serve at home.


Last week of December – preparing your meals and preparing for company

Enjoy the time together as a family and friends by preparing your meal ahead as much as you can. Do a high level cleaning of your home with a sweep through bathrooms and the kitchen. Set the table, grocery shop and meal prep.


Having just one focus every week gives you the opportunity break each task into manageable chunks and accomplish all your holiday tasks.