10 Quick and Easy Tips Productivity for Those with ADHD


quick and easy productivity tips for those with adhd


Because our pace has picked up, and we love an easy win, I wanted to share some quick and easy tips for productivity.  See which one you might wan to try this week.


Ruthlessly prioritize

Every list of tasks has to start with prioritizing. That means just choose 3 Most Important Tasks for the day or the week. Right away you are going to feel less overwhelmed and be more productive.


Simplify your task list

Feeling overwhelmed?  Not sure what to do next?  Just add the one next step to your task list.


Use a timer

Spring into action or use this as a warm up to initiate your task, a timer can help you be more productive. You can also use your time with the Pomodoro method, alternating 30 minute time intervals with 5 minute breaks.


Maximize automation

You can use automation to help you do your work. These voice activated helpers can add a task to a list, make a grocery list, or set up reminders for your daily routines.


Batch Similar Tasks

Review your list to see which tasks you can batch-process. Those are initial calls to leave a message or quick email responses.  The first step of tasks you hate can be a batch of its own.


Gather up dates

You are more productive when you know dates and deadlines. It is a combination of data that drives your planning and accountability.


Eliminate choices

Too many options can be paralyzing. Keep your choices to three or less to maximize your productivity. Give yourself three options for content for your newsletter or blog, three choices for what to have for dinner this week or three choices of when to meet with colleagues on a project.


Elevate your space

Move to a new location to work or add music you love.


Go for a walk

Exercise helps us think clearly, be creative and be more efficient.



Take a 5 minute pause.  Think about what you are working toward, why it is meaningful and gain fresh insight.


Given our new day-to-day and work environments, it’s a great time to implement and integrate a quick and easy tip that can help you.

2 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I’m fascinated by the power of moving to a new space. Somehow that provides renewed energy. I tend to have specific spaces where I perform certain tasks: blog in this chair, computer work from the stool, virtual work from the desk. My mind grows accustomed to performing specific tasks in these places, and I think it actually helps my productivity!

  2. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    As someone who really loves consistency, this also struck me as interesting. A new scene can add joy and energy. I am glad you also found this valuable.

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