11 Summer Routines


summer organizing routines



It’s summer and we love the lack of routines. There are some days we can stay in pajamas all day and play unlimited. The change of seasons is best when you create new routines that suit the season itself. Summer routines makes the season more fun! Check out these 11 routines that make life better.


1. Set a bedtime.

Even in the summer it’s best when everyone gets a great night’s rest. When everyone is in bed, parents can shut off their lights early too.


2. Start or end the day with a bike ride or a walk.

Get moving this summer with time for exercise. The days are longer so you can take advantage of the cooler summer dusk to get outside.


3. Set tech limits.

It’s easier to set limits at the beginning than nag all summer. Your limits can include using a timer so when the bell rings, it’s time to get started on something else.



4. Eat 3 fruits and veggies each day.

Summer brings lots of great vegetables in season. Try something new like a mango or kiwi. Pick your own blueberries or strawberries.



5. Brain boost with flash card, a workbook, or tech games.

It takes up to 2 weeks to review when school begins.  Keep your kids brains fresh all summer. Join the fun by learning too!



6. Read every day. It can be a book, a blog, or a magazine.

Read together as a family so you all spend time together. Talk about what you read to share information of all types.



7. Set aside weekly down time.

Summer is our time to unwind. Intentionally plan time to do nothing. You will be surprised how refreshed you feel and less stressed too. Mark off those days on your calendar to be sure they stay open.



8. Establish ways your family can help around the house.

Helping prep and cook dinner, taking out the trash, and laundry are ways kids can be more involved during the summer. There’s fewer school responsibilities so add in a few for your home.


9. Declutter a little at a time.

Just 15 minutes to declutter drawers, under the sink, and other small spots around the house. Have your kids declutter their own rooms. It’s a time your kids can assess what’s most important to them and share their blessings with others. This is especially helpful if there are summer birthdays in your home.


10. Play games and do puzzles.

Hopscotch, Monopoly, Bingo, Old Maid and many other games are great family fun. Our kids don’t always know there are other games besides technology.


11. Practice gratitude together.

Gather together each day to share what you are grateful for. It can be through a conversation at dinner or a gratitude journal. Knowing that we are blessed by our family and friends helps us all be more positive.



Keep hydrated with plenty of water. Have a camelback water thermos for each kid and yourself. Keep it refilled all day long and carry it with you. We all need lots of hydration during the summer.



Your summer routines add a little structure to busy days. When everyone shares the routines in their home, life runs more smoothly. What routines can you start this week at your family meeting for summer?


What summer routines are in place at your home?


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10 replies
  1. Autumn Leopold
    Autumn Leopold says:

    Have you heard:
    Make Something Monday (recipe craft, building)
    Take a Trip Tuesday (movie, museum, park, etc.)
    Wet and Wild Wednesday (water activity)
    Thinking Thursday (library, experiments, etc.)
    Fresh and Fun Friday (try something new)

    I’m trying to think of one for Saturday!

    Love your list! I am printing it for Sam!

  2. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    During the summer when my kids were learning math facts, I would have them “flash card” each other before they watched TV or played a video game. Each had to get 10 facts right to gain the privilege. They quizzed each other so it didn’t even take my involvement.

    Thanks for the other great suggestions!

  3. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    These are all just terrific. I loved the slower pace of summer when my kids were around. Getting outside and away from screens is so refreshing. I have to admit I wasn’t disappointed when nobody wanted to be on the swim team – such a luxury to sleep in a bit! I remember designated where wet bathing suits and towels should go when they entered the house. We also set a calendar with some activity planned each day of the month, even if it was very small.

  4. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    My favorite find is to google about local activities for your family. There’s great lists in all communities.

  5. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    Completely agree with you on the pace of summer! I love a combination of structure and no structure for everyone!

  6. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    School days are long over for our household, as our daughters are grown and out of the house. But I remember how different summer felt after being so scheduled during the school year. We still had some structure, but taking away even one of the elements (like homework,) made the summer feel much more relaxed. I love your fabulous list of positive summer routines to introduce. Because even though less structure feels good, less than usual feels even better.

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  1. […] have been rough this Spring. It’s time to initiate Summer routines to create a level of calm and sense of organization. Maybe your have not had a family meeting in a […]

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