ADHD Friendly Time Awareness Tools


adhd friendly time awareness tools

Time awareness is an intuitive sense of how time is passing. For some of us, that’s a built in sense of time passing. For some of us, time varies when we do something we love and something we hate.  Review these analog and digital tools that can help you build your time awareness and help you track your time.



This innovative tool displays time as a red disc that gets smaller as time elapses. It is available as an app and a product.


On-Core Time Master

On-Core Time Master simplifies the process by having an app handy on your iPhone or iPod Touch, ready at all times, for you to track your time. You can quickly start tracking time with a few taps on the screen.


Pomodoro Tomato Timer

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique created by Francesco Cirillo for a more productive way to work and study. The technique is alternating work and break times for a series of three work sessions.


Rescue Time is a  desktop app, browser extension, and mobile app that tracks where you spend your time. From the reports you can see exactly where your time goes and block distractions that keep you from being productive.

Alexa and Siri

Use “Routines” (under main menu) to set Alexa to play on whatever hours you schedule. Use audible clock for a variety of sounds.

Apple watch

A variety of settings on your watch help you.  You can set an auditory reminder every 15, 30 or 60 minutes. There are different watch faces, displays, reminders, timer and alarms.

Timer on your phone

Set a timer to help you get started and finish a task.

Month at a glance planner

Use this planner to process and plan dates and deadlines.


Analog clock

An analog clock helps you visually assess time moving.


What tools can you recommend for time awareness?

5 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I have to say I have seen a lot of people using the Apple Watch. I think the convenience of having this powerful tool on your arm is hard to beat. My son-in-law uses it all day long with great success!

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    These are all fantastic suggestions. I’m a huge fan of the Time Timer. I use it and recommend it regularly. I also use the timer feature on my iPhone. I will set a timer, which allows me to fully concentrate on what I’m doing and then buzz when it’s time for me to transition to the next appointment or task. It works beautifully. I also prefer to use analog clocks in my workspace (or wrist) instead of digital ones. It helps me process and “feel” time more easily.

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  1. […] are many more digital tools to help you on your journey, such as Alexa and […]

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