It’s Leap Day! How will you spend your extra 24 hours?

It's leap day



Every four years, we are gifted an extra day—a day that magically appears on our calendars. Known as Leap Day, this is the extra 24 hours we have always wished for and presents a special opportunity to seize the day and make the most of our time. Since Leap Day falls on a Thursday, it would be as easy to use this day as any other Thursday. Take today to step away from everyday thinking and make it a different kind of Thursday.



One way to make Leap Day remarkable is to take this opportunity to dream big and plan long-term goals to set into motion throughout leap year. Whether it’s starting a new project, embarking on a spontaneous adventure, or trying out a new hobby, be imaginative and go just a little out of your comfort zone. This is a rare opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones and dare to dream bigger than ever before. Instead of simply going through the motions of daily routines, use this extra day to envision the kind of life you truly desire.


In today’s fast-paced world, we’re constantly bombarded with distractions that take us out of the present moment. Leap Day presents the perfect opportunity to unplug from technology, disconnect from the noise of everyday life, and reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Turn off your phone, step away from your computer, and take some time to be fully present and engaged in the here and now. If not all the whole day, try this after hours and into the evening.


Leap Day is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with others and strengthen your relationships. Reach out to friends or family members by text or phone, schedule a coffee date with a colleague, or organize a future get-together.  Take advantage of this extra day to cultivate meaningful connections with those around you. Engage in deep conversations, listen attentively to others, and show genuine interest in their lives. Whether it’s sharing your dreams and aspirations or offering a listening ear to someone in need, make the most of this opportunity to foster authentic connections and create bonds that transcend time.

Ramp up the “Extra”

Finally, embrace the theme of “extra” to propel our Leap Day experience to new heights. Take an extra-long walk in nature, indulge in some extra self-care, or dedicate extra time to a project you’ve been working on throughout February. Treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care by taking time for activities that nourish your whole self. Set aside extra time for a relaxing bath, practice mindfulness meditation, or pamper yourself with a healthy dinner at home. Prioritize activities that help you unwind, recharge, and replenish your energy levels to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  Embrace the theme of “extra” in everything you do, and approach the day with a sense of excitement, enthusiasm, and adventure. After all, Leap Day only comes around once every four years, so let’s make it count!


As we embark on this once-in-four-year adventure, let’s embrace Leap Day as a gift to yourself. Whether you choose to plan something exciting, unplug and reconnect, or simply add a little extra sparkle to your day, seize this opportunity to break away from the ordinary and make Leap Day a day to remember and use time throughout the day with intention.



4 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    It’s such a funny thing, right? It feels like an extra day, but of course, it isn’t really an extra day. Nonetheless, the mindset is very present. We get some kind of bonus. I think we honestly should make Leap Day a national holiday. Maybe I should start a petition. Then we could truly have an extra day, right?

    I think I’ll spend my “leap day momentum” thinking about that idea of extra. I wish I had gotten onto this when my children were little. I could have started some fun tradition on this day. Maybe it’s not too late!

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    I always feel bad for the people who are born on leap day. However, I bet they enjoy extra special celebrations every four years.

    I like your suggestion about making Leap Day a time to unplug. Funny that March 1st is Global Unplugging Day. Too bad they couldn’t coordinate it with February 29th. Although, then, we’d only unplug every four years. Not so good. Perhaps going forward, we can bundle those two days together with an unplugging special. 🙂

    You suggested wonderful ways to make use of the extra 24 hours. As the 29th has passed, it’s something I can work on for when it rolls around again.

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