Kids’ Precious Keepsakes and Art Work



Moms wonder about all the papers and more that come home from school.  Keeping up with your kids precious keepsakes cam be overwhelming.  There are so many scribbles, cut outs and holiday artwork.   Setting up good systems and routines make it easier to keep control.

What defines “precious” for every mom is different. Is it the first spelling test with 100? Or is it darling art work?  I help clients define what is precious. Something that is totally unique to that child, such as a handprint, a written story or a painting, is precious to me.  It is easier to assess what to keep by collecting the items for a month in an easy to access basket.  At the end of the month, have your child go over the items in there, having them share all about the work.

Here are lots of great ideas once you have decided what to keep.

1.  Take a photo of the keepsake.

2.  Take a photo of your child with the keepsake.

3.  Scan the keepsake.

4.  Send keepsakes off to grandparents or other special family friends.

5.  Use the keepsakes for gift wrap.

6.  Make a book of the keepsakes.

7.  Keep the keepsakes in a large fed ex box by year in the top of a closet.

8.  Keep the art in a portfolio under a bed, in the back of a closet.

9.  Set up a “clothesline” with 6 clothespins on an wall in their bedroom. This is now the art display area. Rotate art monthly.

10.  Put together a 3 ring binder with 50 slip in sheets. Review the papers with your child and have them select one per week for the binder. This is now their precious keepsake and they will have something of pride for themselves too.

How do you keep your child’s precious keepsakes?

2 replies
  1. Samantha
    Samantha says:

    These are wonderful suggestions. I really like the one about hanging clothes pins and having a mini art gallery. My daughter loves taping her artwork to any wall she can find, so this will save my walls and she will love doing it herself also.

  2. Sabine Schoepke
    Sabine Schoepke says:

    Great article!! Also, another suggestion is to have a kid’s drawing turned into a stunning canvas art print. It is a new thing they are doing at . They also offer lots of options to personalize the canvas. For example: you can have a personal caption on the side saying anything you would like ( for example “For Mom/Dad! I love you!” Just a fun unique idea…! There are lots of creative ideas to see in their ‘Sample Gallery’.

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