Managing the Constant of Change

managing constant change


Change is a constant in life. Acknowledging this does not make it any easier. Navigating transitions can sometimes feel like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. From medical challenges to switching jobs to moving homes or adjusting to a new routine, change can bring a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. With preparation, self-awareness, and the right strategies in place, you can emerge stronger and create new perspectives and ongoing systems.

Acknowledge your feelings

Recognizing and validating your feelings is the first step during times of change. It is normal to feel anxious, uncertain, or overwhelmed when faced with not-so-good news. Brene Brown would say to name those feelings.  You can acknowledge these and accept your emotions without judging yourself. Take a moment to regroup, rethink the change after a good night’s rest, and then think about what that change means. You might even welcome this change once you have taken time to reflect.


Create a plan

When faced with change, creating a plan of action can provide a sense of structure and direction. Break down the transition into smaller, manageable steps, set your priorities, and outline your goals. Create a roadmap to follow to help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and provide clarity. Your plan can include a timeline so that you can manage each step with the capacity you have.


Build a team

Do not go it alone when it comes to change. Reach out to friends, family members, a support group, a therapist, or a coach for guidance and encouragement. Processing this change, gathering data for insight, and learning from others’ experiences make change more manageable. Your team, who understand and support you, can provide valuable insights and reassurance during challenging times.


Utilize tools

The best plans are supported by structure and trusted tools. Effectively using your calendar, planner, notebook, digital notebook, checklists, and other visual tools helps you manage change and especially helps by removing the cognitive load. Relying on your memory is not the best way to handle change. It will be easier with this support to remember your priorities and goals.


Stay flexible

If Plan A does not work, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet. While having a plan is essential, it’s also crucial to remain flexible and adaptable. Change happens in multiple steps and can be unpredictable. Embrace the unexpected with humor and perspective, and be open to adjusting your approach as needed.


Practice self-care

During times of change, self-care becomes even more important. Prioritize what recharges your batteries and promotes well-being. Keep your self-care a high priority, including daily exercise, your mindfulness practice, getting to bed on time, taking supplements, or spending time with loved ones.  Self-care builds resilience, a much-needed quality during change.


Celebrate each micro-step

Celebrate small victories during the process. Each step forward builds your confidence, strength, and resilience. Share these successes with your team who can honestly share joy and success with you.



Managing change is difficult, however, it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By creating a plan and choosing strategies to support you, you can navigate change with less stress. It is not ever going to be easy, but you know you can do this!

4 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    “If Plan A does not work, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet.” I love this! There seems to be so much pressure to always get it “right” the first time. I think some of my best learning has come from things that didn’t work out right. Through these moments, I’ve not only figured out what does work, but I’ve also gained confidence in myself and ability to persevere to a solution.

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    Change is a constant. Some changes we seek out, and others happen to us. Either way, it can be challenging to navigate the path forward.

    I love ALL of your strategies for making these wobbly times go more smoothly! Building a support team is essential. There’s no reason to go through challenges alone.

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