Tag Archive for: be more creative

Organizing and Creativity

organizing and creativity



Many times we think organizing and creativity do not work well together! Organizing is thought of as logical and sequential, lacking emotion, but big on function.  This is not always the case! Organizing and creativity work together in bringing out the best for promoting creativity.   Use your space best to promote your creativity in these ways.

  • Create easy access to the items you use most. If you are an artist, you want to have a space to accommodate the medium you love most, with secondary storage for less used mediums.  If you are a writer, you want access to your computer, laptop or ipad, with as little clutter as possible in the space it is used in. If you are a crafter, then think about using vertical space in your designated room.
  • Create time to enjoy your creativity. Often we don’t allow ourselves time to spend in what we love most.  Be sure to include a time each week set aside just for creativity. This may seem less than spontaneous. However, my artist clients find that having a time to paint gives them the opportunity rather than miss painting all together.  Also allow yourself a large block of time for your creativity.  It may take a few minutes to get started, but once started you want to have time to enjoy!
  • Create time to set up systems that work for you with your organizing.  If you prefer visually appealing spaces with lots of visually organized items, using wall space makes a difference. You can see “it”, whatever the tools or items may be, so you incorporate that into the work itself.  Take time to decide how you will use your items. Will they be stored in units by craft? Or will they all be used together?  It can be a work in progress as you use your items, but create an awareness so you can refine your systems later.
  • Create a space that will fill you with promise and fun!  Your space should be a color you love, with music to inspire, lots of light and great spaces to work on.  After this, think about rolling carts, rolling tables, rolling chairs and movement to assist with your creativity.  Use a picture to inspire you!

Organizing for your personality and your creativity will make the most of your time and space.

Want more to read on this topic? Pick up a copy of Organizing for the Creative Person, by Dorothy Lehmkuhl and Dolores Cotter Lamping


At the recent National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization Conference, I learned from Dr. Wanda Bethea (www.drbethea.com) about the important of happiness. 

Happy people live longer, are more creative, generous, productive at work, in better health, and have higher income! 

 Dr. Bethea shared the value of positive psychology, including the study of people living an engaged, meaningful and pleasant life.  Dr Bethea’s introductions of several rating scales for happiness intrigued me in that adding a measurement tool for happiness made us even more aware of how important this emotion is to daily living.  Every day we face stressors, but are we generally happy?   Take the test and see.  www.positivityratio.com.

If you found your score deficient, here are some ideas shared by Dr. Bethea to elevate your score. 

Write down 3 good things each evening.  Keeping a gratitude journal makes a difference.

Write a letter of gratitude to share on the phone or in person with the recipient.

Write about your future as if all had gone the best possible way, seeing the best possible future for yourself.

Identify your character strengths and cultivate one of them in five ways during a week. 

Create a vision board for happiness, what makes you happy,  brings a smile to you face, and bring inner joy.

Some of my ideas….

Surround yourself with optimistic people.

Find a quote you love or a silly saying to post on your mirror where you dress each morning.

Do for others. Nurture optimism in those around you by celebrating a birthday, bringing a surprise, or taking a cupcake to them.

Bring out the best strengths in others with affirmations.   Celebrate the small quiet kindnesses in our world. 

So what is the happiness and organizing connection?  For me it is about being  and feeling your best, living a meaningful and productive life.  And that is what organizing adds to in everyone’s life.  Happiness is the global result of organizing.   Share with me your steps to greater happiness!