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Crush It At Work and School Summit helping you succeed at work or school

crush it at work and school back to school


August is time for us to gear up for Back to School. There is a lot to do to move from Summer fun to Fall routines. Let’s make it easier this season! I am doing something new this year! Join me and top ADHD/Executive Function gurus at Alan P. Brown’s Crush It at Work and School Summit, where you will learn proven strategies to get back into action with practical insights and strategies. My colleagues and I will help you focus on the right priorities, boost productivity, and find a flow for work-life balance. See the list below of all the courses my friends and colleagues offer.

  • This free virtual summit runs four days (August 26-29) and every day, Alan will share 5 short interviews. The videos will be available to watch anytime within that 24-hour period.
  • Registration is FREE, so click to register and reserve your seat.

Check out this list of topics and speakers.

Monday, August 26

  • The Secret to Smart Study Skills For Student Success with Leslie Josel
  • Do What Really Matters: How to Follow Through Without Sacrificing Your Life! With Lynne Edris
  • Communication Technique to Collaborate Better at Work and Home with Elaine Taylor-Klaus
  • Motivation Made E.A.S.Y. with Diane McLean
  • Find Your Rhythm: Your ADHD Action Plan to Focus with Ease, Achieve Productivity, and Harmonize Your Work and Life with Linda Walker

Tuesday, August 27

  • Finding Peace With Your Email with Ellen Faye
  • Ambivalence: Do You Actually Want to Do That? With Ari Tuckman, PsyD.
  • ADHD Activation: Overcome Stagnation and Boost Productivity with Tara McGillicuddy
  • Your To-Do List Needs a Makeover with Kathy Vines
  • The Secret to Powerful Planning with Dana Rayburn

Wednesday, August 28

  • How to Get Your Groove Back ON with Rudy Rodriguez
  • Cracking the Code: How to Tell if Your ADHD Medication is Working with Laurie Dupar
  • Why Transitions are More Complicated Than You Think and How to Simplify Them! With Brendan Mahan
  • How to Be On Time without Tricking Yourself with Bonnie Mincu
  • Problem-Solving Decoded: ADHD Executive Function Solutions with Jeff Copper

Thursday, August 29

  • Conquer Calendar Chaos: Weekly Planning on Your Own Terms with Nikki Kinzer
  • How to Fuel The ADHD Brain with Marisa Moon
  • How to Start the School Year Strong with Ellen Delap
  • How to Advocate for Yourself or Someone with ADHD in the Workplace or School with Terry Matlen
  • An Amazing Interview with Linda Roggli

As you can see, there are a variety of topics and tools. There truly is something for everyone in this free virtual summit. Be sure to reserve your seat!