Tag Archive for: make your day more organized

3 Ways to Make a Disorganized Day Better

three ways to make a disorganized day better


There are days that start frazzled and disorganized. You know that a little organizing will help you be more productive and feel more in charge.  Here are three quick and easy ways to get on track.

Add all your dates and actions to your calendar and capture tool.

Let’s face it when you have meetings back to back, there are many dates and tasks that are left behind. You did not have time to capture this information and put it where you can find it.  The first way to get organized is to gather this information and add it to where it goes on your calendar and your task list. Knowing that you have gathered and consolidated this information helps you move forward with the next steps. It also ensures you are on top of the details.


Prioritize your list.

Having a list, a lot of sticky notes, or a digital task list can be unsettling. You have a lot to do! What to do first? Go through and determine the three most important tasks (MITs) for the day and the week. Some people know by deadlines what are the priorities. Some people know that there are tasks that are never getting started because these require more information or need to be sequenced to be completed. Find three tasks that you know will align right away with making money or making connections to be your priorities for the day. Prioritizing ensures you are doing the right tasks for the day.


Clear your workspace.

A disorganized desk is disorienting. Spend five minutes recycling and shredding what is on your desk, then filing the rest. If you are using visual cues of papers as reminders, switch the details to a task list instead. A clear workspace keeps your head clear.


Step back and pick one of these ways to improve your day with a little organizing. Your day will be more organized and productive.