Tag Archive for: organized and productive

How Does Being Organized Benefit Your Productivity?

organizing and productivity


Over the years, the start of the new year has signaled goal setting, self-improvement and change.  One of the top New Year’s goals has been getting organized.  Since 2003, NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, has celebrated Get Organized month. This year NAPO is adding “Be Productive” to our theme as well.  There’s a link between organizing and productivity. Being organized benefits you and leads to greater productivity.

Link between organizing and productivity

NAPO clients know the value of being organized. Organization relieves stress, saves you money, and gives you time. Having more time, working at your highest level and being more efficient are linked to increased productivity. Statistics show the connection between organization and productivity.  According to Forbes, the typical executive today wastes almost one month a year searching for lost information.  According to the American Demographic Society, Americans waste more than 9 million hours each day looking for lost and misplaced articles.  There’s a long list of  organizing habits related to productivity, including clearing your desk and making a work plan.  Not surprisingly, being organized helps everyone accomplish more.


Connecting organizing and productivity

My clients crave organization and productivity!  In our first session together, clients ask, “how do I get more done?” Conscious of this, my clients’ goals in getting organized are specifically to be more productive.  With an organized, decluttered desk top, my clients work at an efficient desk where they operate without distractions.  When a client’s electronic documents are organized, they work without losing time searching their computer. At home when there are specific spots for keys and an organized closet, my client gets out of the house quickly. When we work to create family calendars, routines and responsibilities, families happily gather together for dinner at home in the evening. Living an organized life, my clients see themselves as more productive and happier. Being organized enables you to accomplish more. In my clients quest for organization, they strive to be productive with important tasks for their work and their families.


This new year, begin with taking baby steps to accomplish your productivity goals.  Focus on one area at a time to organize to create a more productive lifestyle or work space.  With laser focus on that one new habit, using your strengths, it will be the start of your most productive year ever!