10 Quick and Easy Organizing Tips for Those with ADHD

quick and eays organizing tips


Using the theme of Quick and Easy for May, here are tips for simple, effective organizing for those with ADHD. Since our pace has picked up again, it’s important to keep organizing easy to accomplish.  When a task seems easy, it’s more likely we will get started!


Keep a donation bag handy for ongoing decluttering

Rather than take hours to make decisions on whether to keep an item, use the energy and spirit of the moment when you feel an item is ready to be donated.  When the bag is full, take it immediate to a drop box in a local parking lot or call a local philanthropy to pick up at your front door.


Invite a friend to be your paper partner or clutter buddy.

Be a support and be supported by a friend who is also struggling. Inviting another to work as partners you will can brag on your successes and commiserate on struggles.


Use command hooks for point of use storage.

Command hooks give you a “home” for items right where you use these.


Maximize vertical storage with an shoe organizer on the inside of any closet.

Shoe organizers are not just for shoes! You can use them in a play room for hot wheels or Barbies, in a craft room for adhesives or accessories, or at the back door for bug spray and hand sanitizer.


Add a shoe basket at the back door.

Maybe you or your family don’t want to run back to the closet to get their shoes?  A shoe basket keeps all your footwear at the point of use in and out of the house.


Use slim line hangers to maximize space.

Slim line hanger save space and make your clothes pop!  It’s an easy way to look and feel more organized. As you rehang onto new hangers. decide if you have not worn an item in a quite a while.


Place a small tray where you keep rings and important jewelry.

Never lose a ring or earrings again with a small tray placed by your vanity or kitchen sink.


When in doubt about paper, know where you can find it online.

There are many ways to find the same information online rather than on paper.  Bookmark on your device or use Evernote or Notes to keep the website information.


Use two dry erase month at a glance calendars for dates and planning.

Capture information from your texts, emails and phone on month at a glance magnetic calendars. It’s easy to see and easy to add information.  Add a splash of color for fun.


Use the “one in – two out” rule.

For every item you bring into your home, remove two items. It will keep your home in balance with stuff.


Choose one of these strategies and see how you feel once you have accomplished a little organizing!


More quick and easy tips here!

7 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I think these are great tips for just about everyone! Very few people want to take their shoes back to the closet each time, especially if it is upstairs! Same goes for paperwork. Having a second floor home office often results in papers piled up on the kitchen counter. I love the idea of looking around and considering where to put a hook. Sometimes having supplies right at hand is enough to keep us seated and focused, instead of getting up and then getting distracted!

  2. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I think these tips are good for everyone! Very few of us want to walk back to put our shoes away in the closet. Those “daily” shoes need a place near the door for sure. I also love the idea of looking around to see what can be stored on a hook. Having supplies nearby might be enough to keep us seated and focused, instead of getting up and then getting distracted, right?

  3. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    As always, you have such easy and doable tips to share, Ellen! I’ve heard of the “one in, one out” rule, but never the “one in, two out” rule. What a great idea! It’s beneficial if there is a lot of clutter because it can help to reduce the volume of stuff instead of keeping it static at the current levels. Smart!

  4. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    With everything becoming more and more difficult as our uncertainty continues, doing something quick and easy can make life better!

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  1. […] saves you time, money, and stress. A certified professional organizer is a partner in helping you sort and declutter efficiently.  Immediately you know what you have and how to find it. There is no more purchase duplication […]

  2. […] need organization in order to proceed. If you have trouble organizing the materials, it is difficult to […]

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