COVID-19 Why your Family Meeting Matters Now More than Ever

covid-19 family meetings


Family together has taken on a whole new meaning.   Families are together 24/7 with home schooling and work at home.  How does that impact family communication? Is a family meeting necessary if we are all together all the time?  What’s important to share at a family meeting?  Using your Family Meeting to connect and communicate remains an important resource during this time.


Family Meeting Basics

Family meetings are a part of great communication. Meeting once a week gets everyone on the same page with calendars, family activities and ongoing family planning. It’s also a great way to discuss important topics like your family values.  In this time, there are many responsibilities being communicated that are new and different. Home schooling with learning menus and Zoom calls are new additions to family life.  Your family calendar can look busy even with most activities canceled.

  •  Keep your calendaring going for you and your kids. Add dates and information ongoing each every day.  Your Family Meeting is where you can capture more information weekly.
  • Plan some family work parties and family fun! Have each person make a list of things they want to do (board games, tell stories, watch movie) and things that could be done (clean house, organize closet, wipe baseboards and doors). Prioritize the list, assign dates and voila! Both responsibilities and fun happen.
  • Be sure you meet regularly to keep momentum and information flowing.


Family Meeting Tricks and Tips

Like all meetings, there are some small tricks and tips that help.

  • Keep it short. Boredom sets in quickly.  If you see distractions coming up, walk and talk.
  • Get buy in.  Buy in can come from many different strategies. Always serve a snack. Everyone loves to eat!
  • Have an agenda. Be consistent in your agenda.
    • Update calendars
    • Talk about an upcoming event or discuss a family value
    • Set time for next meeting
    • Have fun


Family meeting visual aids and reminders

Now let’s share what we know with each other to keep up to date all the time.

Dry erase boards are the most popular way to share Family Meetings agendas. You can pair two calendar dry erase boards and a blank dry erase as a complete command center for your family.

Family Dry Erase Calendar Wayfair

dry erase calendars

Family Dry Erase Calendar The Container Store


Family Dry Erase Board Blank Wayfair



Smead justik dry erase

Smead justik dry erase





If your calendar is digital, you can share the calendar on your devices for everyone to view.

Google calendar printed for Family View. Post in a common space.

Each of us has our favorite reminder app on your devices. Set these to maximize the actions you determined at your meeting.  You can include multiple family members with some reminder apps too.



Your family meeting is the time to support and nurture your family. Bring out the best in each of your family members by addressing concerns, sharing important information. and being available together.  At the most anxious of times, setting aside a specific time to address routines and new information makes a difference for everyone in your family.


Search COVID-19 for all my posts on my blog.

5 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I’m a huge fan of the family meeting. I love that you mentioned this now, as people might think it isn’t necessary given that there aren’t a lot of activities going on. This might actually be the BEST time to begin this discipline, as everyone has the time and the items might be less stressful to discuss. One idea I try to bear in mind is to keep the meeting positive. Don’t let it turn into a session where Mom and Dad harass the kids over things they aren’t doing, or a spouse to nag another spouse in a similar vein. This is a surefire wire to ensure that no one wants to attend the meeting and participate!

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. […] Pro tip: If your kids ask you about a date, refer them to your home and digital planners.  They learn the value of self-sufficiency this way. Keep this going by checking everyone’s planner each week at your family meeting.  […]

  2. […] best way to share these goals and activities is with during your family meeting. Gather together to discuss what your time together and apart look like and the options for how to […]

  3. […] family meeting is the starting point to setting standards for your family. Start by discussing what the goals are […]

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