ADHD Friendly Ways to Clear Clutter and Organize Your House


adhd friendly ways to clear clutter and organize your home



Here is a 15 minute tutorial for ADHD Friendly Ways to Clear Your Clutter and Organize Your House.  

Please print this handout before you begin the tutorial.

ADHD Friendly Ways to Clear Clutter and Organize Your Home




Getting started

  • Start Small
  • Plan your time
  • Challenges of Perfectionism and procrastination
  • Emotional attachments
  • Financial attachments


Organizing strategies for your stuff

  • Plan your work and work your plan
  • Letting go (consignment, Facebook Marketplace, philanthropies)
  • Categorizing and organizing
  • A “Home” for your items
  • Organizing products
  • Working your plan and keeping organized



Tips for Getting and Staying Organized

  • Create routines for you and your home (Admin Day, Decluttering appointments)
  • Tricks and tips of labelling
  • Strategic work zones in your home
  • Finding a partner with a clutter buddy, body double, or paper partner
  • Make it fun with a playlist or reward




ADD Friendly Ways to Organize

The Magic of Tidying Up Ellen’s Blog


Decluttering questions to ask yourself


Questions about use

  • Questions about use help you determine how often you use an item and if so, whether to keep it.
  • Do I love it or use it?
  • When was the last time I used it?
  • If it is less than $20 and it takes less than 20 minutes to get it again, can I let it go?
  • If you could fit in this right now, would you wear it?


Questions about quantity

  • Questions about quantity help you let go of excess.
  • How many of these do I need?
  • Would I buy this again today?
  • Where do I store it to find it again?


Questions for lifestyle

  • Questions about lifestyle help you acknowledge your feelings about an item.
  • Does this help me be my best self?
  • Will my future self use this?
  • Is this holding me back?


Questions about emotional attachment

  • Questions about emotional attachment define whether to keep an item or let it go.
  • Is this something that makes me sad or reminds me of a sad time?
  • Does this make me smile?
  • Do I honor it as a keepsake?


Questions about finances

  • Does this have value greater than $50?
  • Should I sell this or donate it?
  • Can it be a blessing to others who have great need?




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