How to keep sane in a world of uncertainty


how to keep sane in an uncertain world


If you’ve been struggling this Summer with feeling overwhelmed, this is the post for you! This fall, it’s time to embrace powerful life hacks that can improve your life every day. It is all about keeping sane with the uncertainty around us, as well as the dizzying pace of life. These are how I make each day better with a better frame of mind and positivity because of the routines I have created. Here is how I keep sane in an uncertain and super-busy world.

Start Your Day with a Walk, coffee on the patio, or any time outside

Research shows the power of morning sunlight. It improves your cognitive function all day and helps you get better rest. You need between 15 and 20 minutes daily, which can be more difficult during the winter. Start this fall before the time change, and you will see the difference this makes.

Practice Gratitude

No matter the challenges, focusing on gratitude and appreciation makes your day better. Find the small ways that each day goes well. There are so many ways to capture your gratitude. You can record this with your device camera, on an app, or with a gratitude journal.

Have an Adult Bedtime

For me, there is a window of opportunity for rest. I take advantage of the fact that I am getting drowsy by getting ready for bed early, taking my supplements, and being ready to snooze. If this doesn’t work for you, create a sleep routine that encourages 8 hours of sleep. Your routine can include a 2-hour hiatus from devices, a well-chilled room, and complete darkness. Choose what works for you to get a great night’s rest. Even if no one else goes to bed in your home, you can!

Keep it simple sweetie

Everyone gets overwhelmed at some time. Keep life simple by prioritizing what is most important. Drill down to your core values. Embrace those and be sure your calendar, your space, and your connections revolve around these. From there you find clarity and peace of mind.

Practice a pause

With the speed of life at maximum velocity, it is not possible to do what is best all the time. Information and decisions came at you at a speed beyond capability. Use the power of  pause to help you gain insight and clarity.  Take the opportunity to ask for a pause from those you work with or at home to be able to clear your mind.


Build a Board of Advisors

It would help if you had support in all you do, whether at work or at home. Cultivate relationships that support your best interests. Find those who are your trusted, truthful, loyal friends who will share honestly with you. Be a trusted advisor yourself to others around you.



2 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    Such wonderful advice for any time of year, but especially now. This season seems pretty emotionally charged and negative as we approach the election. I’ve added “turn off the news” to my list of ways to keep from getting overwhelmed.

    I love the idea of outdoor time. It’s already almost in the forties when I get up, so a bit cold for me. If I lived in a warmer place, I would totally do this, as I think it does make a difference.

    There is also something powerful about starting your day (that first 30 minutes) not looking at a screen. It’s like our brains need time to fully awaken, so mundane chores and maybe some peaceful music can be a great way to start the day!

  2. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    It is not surprising how much screen time affects our cognitive ability and emotional state. Adults are equally as addicted as kiddos. I am glad that you find this valuable to keep away from screens in the morning.

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