How to Kick Start the School Year with Organization

back to school organizing


Kickstarting the school year with an organized space can set the tone for months of positive energy for learning. As you and your family gear up for the start of the school year, there are 4 key areas to organize to gain momentum. Your proactive work on systems and routines at this time of year has a big payoff in building confidence and enthusiasm. This also results in higher productivity and engagement.


Get in the game

Your mindset makes the biggest difference in kickstarting your organizing. Bring high energy and positivity to this fresh start. Think about the start of a new season and how your modeling organization makes an impact on your family. Bring on the fun and enthusiasm for the start of the school year.


Where to organize

Focus your time and energy with the most bang for your buck. Kids’ clothes, school supplies, and lunch prep are important areas of focus. You will find it easiest to organize in categories so you can start and complete the job.


How to get started

Set aside 2 weeks before school starts to organize. You can work in time blocks or set specific days for certain areas. Work in partnership with your kiddos to help them learn about organizing and partner with you to make decisions. Have a reward for your work together to incentivize their participation.


What to do

Keep it simple sweetie! While there are many emotions about moving from an unstructured Summer to the routines of Fall, be sure to engage in positive energy as you organize. The simpler the process the better. While you are working with your family, chat about new goals and how you will accomplish these together.

  • Kids’ clothes need decluttering so they have only what fits and is organized in a way so they can independently get ready. Go through all the clothes with one kid in one day, declutter, and then make a list of what is needed to purchase.
  • Gather your kids and gather all the school supplies. Be brutal about what you keep for the year. Stock backpacks, homework caddies, and your school supplies back stock. Use a container to sort and label the back stock.
  • Keep lunch prep easy to manage. Set up a space in the refrigerator and pantry for lunch prep supplies. You can also use labeled bins on the lower refrigerator shelves to stock for easy lunch prep each evening.
  • Make it fun with a high-energy playlist, a filled water flask, and a snack as needed.


Maintaining your system

Every system needs a routine that keeps it going.

  • Efficient laundry helps kids get ready each day. Manage laundry with small loads completed daily. Get help with laundry from your cleaning person. Or teach your kids how to do their laundry.
  • Restock school supplies every month. Set a reminder in your device for you and your students to partner in restocking school supplies in backpacks, caddies, and other spots.
  • Restock lunch supplies each week. During your family meeting, talk about lunch and dinner. Make a list of 5-7 options for lunch and dinner. Add that to your weekly online shopping list.


Getting organized before the school year starts is the best investment for school success. Start two weeks in advance of the first day of school to be proactive and ready for the new school year.

2 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    We used to use this black dresser that is our entry table for school supply back stock. I still have some school-like supplies in there, but less of the tab dividers and more of the paper and pens.

    I do remember using a trip to get these “famous” cheeseburgers as an incentive to get my daughter involved in the process. We actually had a lot of fun, and the trip for the cheeseburgers was a true celebration!

  2. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    LOL! What we all repurpose for our supplies shows our resourcefulness! Fewer supplies are needed now however when we need them it is good to have them available!

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