6 Ways to Create a Home To Recharge and Re-energize

6 ways to create a home the re-energizes


Our homes continue to be our place for work and play. Since Spring we have been “safe at home” with COVID-19 and now we are home this summer more than ever with restricted travel. This summer is the time to create spaces in our homes for tranquility and vitality. Every family needs space in their home to recharge and re-energize.


Declutter first

Decluttering first gives us energy. Maybe you haven’t realized how much your stuff is weighing you down. When we edit and remove that which is not loved, used or needed, we open up space in our homes. Start in your family room and then move to your kitchen, then next to your bedroom.  In the family room decide which collectibles are still important to you.  Do you need to edit photos or add more recent photos? Are there books you can donate to the library book sale room?  Create a space that helps you gather together for games and family fun. In the kitchen, simplify what you use for preparation and storage. Have your extra dishes become more than you need? Are you ready to slim down your food storage containers (aka tupperware)? In these high traffic areas, look to simplify and create easy access for what is most frequently used.


Create Tranquility Zones

Set aside time each day for tranquility.  Comfy sofas and bedrooms are ideal for napping.  These spaces for tranquil rest are where we can renew with cool temperatures and the whirl of a fan.  Add a soft throw or coverlet and you will enjoy your short rest.


Create a Book Nook

We’re learning and reading more than ever. That reading includes audio books, paper books, kindles, devices and magazines.  Book and magazine storage can be a small basket beside your night stand or in the family room. You can create a family library by installing additional shelving in a hallway with low two shelf storage or tall five shelf storage that matches the wall color. Decide how much book storage you would like, set that as a boundary for the number of books you want and then donate books that won’t fit into your space.


Create a meditation or yoga space

More of us are using meditation and yoga for calm starts to our day.  Your family room can be divided into zones for a variety of uses including media and exercising. Place your yoga mat in a wicker basket for storage in a corner of your family room for easy access and room to exercise.


Invite your family outdoors

Time outside in the sun and the shade energizes us.  Getting our daily dose of vitamin D is important as well as fresh air.  Invite your family into the outdoors with a hammock between trees, an oversize Adirondack chair in the shade or a bistro table and two chairs for snacks outside.  New sports like pickelball and old sports like crochet are fun family activities to play throughout the summer.

Create a common charging station for everyone’s devices

Prioritize your family’s tranquility each evening with a common charging station in a common space. Each evening place all the devices in your home in the station to recharge.  Everyone will benefit with a better night’s rest.


Re-organizing your home this summer will re-energize everyone.  This boost will make a difference for summer fun and time together as a family.

4 replies
  1. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I love the whole vibe of this post. It is so important to be mindful about our spaces, and having at least some small spots to which we can retreat and relax. This is very difficult if you have a lot of people living in a small space. I think this is one of the greatest aspects of summer, that you can just step outside if you need a break from the chaos of the house. A book nook sounds delightful!

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    With all of us spending more time at home, it’s essential to create that sense of calm. Life is chaotic enough, and if we don’t have our own space or corners of spaces to recharge, it just adds to anxiety and stress. I love setting up different areas to do specific things. Some spaces are multipurpose, and that works too. This year more than ever, we’ve been spending time outside in the back. We have set-up several different types of relaxing, sitting, and eating areas. I love the variety because each spot gives us a different perspective.

  3. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    @Linda, our outdoors spaces have given us so much joy during this time. We are not only enjoying the beauty and serenity, we are enjoying gathering together there too. I love that you are enjoying this too!

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  1. […] surrounds you lifts you up. Now is the time to level up your space. That is decluttering first, then using color and decor to bring you joy. There is a lot of home […]

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