7 Ways to Declutter Your Stuff and Your Life

7 ways to declutter your stuff and life


If all the fa la la la la ended up with add to cart, January is the antidote to over consumption. Freshening up your space and clearing out are what everyone feels as the new year begins. Check out these 7 ways to declutter your stuff and life.


Always start small

Make it easy to start with a small start. That means setting a timer for 15 minutes and filling a donation bag. Go room to room to find easy to donate items that have been ready to go for a while. Or start in a small space like your make up drawer or top dresser drawer to sort, categorize and let go of what you have stuffed in there when you needed to clear a counter.


Go for the low hanging fruit

You have moved stuff all year long that has no place in your home. It is time for it to go out into the universe. Fill a bag with those things that has frustrated you all year long. Instantly you will feel the difference.


Go KonMari

Likely you did not know how many (fill in the blank) you had because these were all over. Marie Kondo suggests gathering all the items together and then organizing. Categorize items that have been spread out, evaluate how many you need and let go of your over abundance.


Host a paper purge

Maybe your paper and mail have been stuffed away for a while. Grab it and head to a big table to sort and purge. Create recycle, shred, and keep piles. Paper sorting may be your most hated activity so put on a happy playlist to keep you moving.


Overview your over-commitment

The holidays may have been a little too busy. Maybe you are overwhelmed by looking at your January calendar and all your over-commitment. January is a great time to winnow down and prioritize your time. Look over your volunteering and other commitments and determine which are meaningful and purposeful for you. Having less on your calendar and more white space gives you opportunity to think.


Join a challenge

Join an online decluttering challenge for connecting and accountability. Each day you are assigned an area to work on. There is lots of fun connecting to others who are also decluttering and lots of accountability to act on your intentions.


Systemize it

Make your decluttering last all year with a system to declutter. Whether that is a chart for each space in your home, an appointment with a certified professional organizer or coach, or a game with rewards, you are making your decluttering a part of your daily life with a system that reinforces letting go.


Check in each week for a new perspective on decluttering this January. Next up! Thinking about downsizing and how to be ready when the time comes!



4 replies
  1. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    What great suggestions for getting things more in control during January, just in time for National Get Organized Month!

    I’ve been facing a tight writing deadline—the project is due this week. 🙂 I’ve had to plan my time differently and include “writing blocks” on my schedule. This has also meant saying “no” to many things.

    We can do it all, just not simultaneously.

  2. Seana Turner
    Seana Turner says:

    I love all of these ways to declutter. January feels like the perfect time to clear out. I’m seeing a lot of videos and memes on this on my social media feeds. There is just something about the cold/dark days stuck inside (at least up here in CT!).

    I’m so glad you talked about the decluttering the calendar. That is one we tend to forget, and yet this one can undermine everything else we do. Gotta get that balance, right? As I get older, I’m leaning towards doing fewer things, but giving each of them a greater commitment. It helps me feel less scattered.

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