Entries by Ellen

5 Basic Rules of Organizing

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know the rules when you start a new project? When you put together that new bookshelf, it would be great if there were big bold letters that tell you to double check the front and back of the segments?  Or when you are making a new dish, would […]

Holiday Time Line

Why re-invent the wheel this holiday season?  Here are 5 check lists ready to make your holiday season less stress and more fun. These professionals offer ideas for the most elaborate to the simplest of holiday preparations and festivities. These holiday time line ideas space out your work to keep you on track and organized […]

4 Tips for Family Organizing

  Each fall families get back to the business of running their families.  School and activities start, family’s get back into routines and there’s lots of information to keep together.  It can be overwhelming with lots of information in different formats and different locations.  There are many ways to pull this information together for communication […]

Ellen’s Organizing Quotes

    I love sharing my organizing ideas with inspiration.  Organizing quotes can help you have a mantra to get or stay organized.  It can be what pulls you through when organizing gets tough.  Here are a few I share often.     Check out more organizing inspiration on my pinterest board.   More monthly […]

ADHD Tips for Small Business

  ADHD strengths are wonderful attributes for being an entrepreneur.  There are so many ways ADHD entrepreneurs are successful.   It’s the creativity, resourcefulness, and solution based thinking that lead to success.  ADHD includes a powerful set of qualities that make for ground breaking new ideas and tools.   There can be a few bumps […]

Get started scanning!

It’s an exciting day! You have decided to start scanning to eliminate your paper clutter and free up time, energy and space.  What’s the first step? How do you get started scanning?  Check it out here!   Intro to scanning So how did my own Neat installation go? I planned on 2 hours, but it […]

ADHD and Motivation

  You find it hard to get started on a project, hard to finish up and tough to stay on task.  ADHD and executive function deficits create challenges for motivation. It can feel discouraging, frustrating and overwhelming.  At a recent conference for the Institute for Challenging Disorganization, speakers shared ways to get motivated despite the […]

Organizing Business Contacts

  At a networking event, during a business meeting, or even in the grocery store, we get business contacts.  The contact could be in a text, written on a napkin or copied on a post it.  There’s also that stack of business cards from years past too.  You want to easily store and access contacts […]