Life has a funny way of throwing us off balance just when we think we’ve figured things out. For the longest time, my business tagline has been “Making time and space for what’s important to you.” I recently attended a new conference overflowing with educational offerings and experiences. When I attend professional development events, I expect to learn. This weekend I learned more than I could imagine.
Setting the stage
As a Certified Professional Organizer, I enjoy saying I am an overachiever in professional development. I attend two conferences each year as well as many virtual events. These events focus on ADHD, organizing, and productivity. Speakers share their stories as well as strategies. Of course, I love it when a celebrity rock star in my own profession shares their story! I listened to a presentation about goal setting and time management from speaker Tonia Misvaer, CEO of Erin Condren. Tonia spoke from the heart about her passion for making a difference and how she plans her year and adheres to her goals. She mentioned that her true north star was feeling joy + experiencing meaning through organization and productivity. This made me think.
Joy + Meaning
I have read often about the importance of meaning and purpose in our lives. It is what motivates me every day in the work I do. Working as a certified professional organizer, I am grateful every day for experiencing and witnessing life-changing opportunities. I help people prioritize what is important.
When we focus on joy, in addition to meaning, we create moments that transcend all the elements around us. Experiencing joy improves our health, broadens our perspective, and increases our resilience. Our immune system is boosted. We feel more positive and have hope.
Creating order and feeling productive are in themselves joyful ways to approach the world you live in. My word of the year is re-imagine. I am taking the combination of all these elements forward this year as I reconnect with playfulness. Here are some other ways you and I can all begin to experience joy + meaning.
- Embrace the idea that at times I may not know why I am exactly doing something, but it feels awesome. That is being open to plans changing, (some) surprises popping up and enjoying the moment, or turning an ordinary afternoon into sitting in the sunshine rather than at the computer.
- Practicing mindfulness to fully experience fun. My mind is busy with thoughts as is your mind. Being in the present helps me slow down and savor joyful moments I might miss.
Choosing your fun
Too many times I ask my clients about their fun and they stare back at me like deer in the headlights. Research shows that people make a difference. Remember to surround yourself with uplifting, hopeful, joyful people. Laughter and smiles are contagious. In a world full of negativity, one of the best ways to protect your joy is by surrounding yourself with people who lift you up. Laughter is contagious, and when you’re around people who see the humor in life’s quirks. When we share joy with others, it amplifies and spreads.
Focusing on the good always brings out gratitude. Cultivate a gratitude practice that highlights the fun and joy you experience each day, no matter how small. Whether it’s the laughter from a funny conversation or a quiet moment of peace, recognizing these moments builds an appreciation for the joy that still exists, even in a mixed-up world.
Create the level of order that keeps you sane. Your home doesn’t have to be perfect to be good. Organizing to your level of what works makes it easier to enjoy life.
You’re speaking my language, Ellen! I’m all for infusing joy into every day. Even when there are LOTS of things to do, joy is possible.
Opportunities abound from sensing your way forward (the comfort of the soft sheets, the taste of the first sip of morning coffee, the autumn light illuminating the yellow leaves on the trees, hugging a loved one, and so much more. Activating my senses and being aware of what I’m sensing grounds me in the present moment and makes me happy.
I was following the conference on IG. Looks like a wonderful experience!
I’m all about the mindful joy. Sometimes joy overwhelms us, but often, it is a choice. While I would love to surround myself with joyful people, I have to admit that I have some people in my life who struggle with joy. I love these people, and I try to infuse them with my joy. But, it can be hard. I think I need to seek out people or other things to help feed my joy when I’m feeling low. As you say, gratitude is huge here. I keep a journal where I record something every morning. The blessings always outweigh the challenges, but I have to focus on this truth to keep it top of mind.
We all need a dose of joyful people daily!
I love this perspective on all the sensations of joy as well as the joyful connections!