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31 search results for: Pause


How a Pause Can Help

Life moving too fast? Stuff happening all around and you are feeling out of control?  Ready to hit reset? You are not alone! Most recently Brene Brown posted on her own reset and pause when she talked about creating space. There’s a lot of power in a pause. A pause is a simple time out […]


6 Ways to Pause in our Busy World

  I recently spoke to a group of 20 women business owners. I said, “who’s busy?”   Everyone raised their hands.  Not surprising, right?   There’s not much time to pause in our busy world.  At work there are tasks, projects and deadlines.  At home we focus on our family.  There’s the rush of thoughts […]


My Word of the Year: Celebrate

    As the new year begins, many of us reflect on the previous year and set intentions for the coming year. For me, this reflection takes the form of choosing a Word of the Year—a single guiding concept that will shape my personal and professional decisions and perspectives. For 2025, my word is Celebrate. […]


Reflecting on the Year of 2024

  The end of the year is a natural time to pause and reflect. This year has gone by quickly and the end of the year offers you the opportunity to set aside intentional time to look back.  An end-of-the-year reflection offers growth from learning experiences, celebrations of successes, and goals for the next year. […]


Embrace a Fresh Start This Fall: Why Under-committing to Activities Leads to Balance and Peace of Mind

  Fall brings a whirlwind of activities for school,  home, church, and other areas. You may already be feeling a bit anxious about all that coming up. This fall set the stage for more intentional living by reassessing commitments and having less to do. Now is the time for understanding overcommitment and the negative impacts […]