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412 search results for: Word of the year


Organizing the Holidays as a Singleton

  Thanks to Janice Simon, owner of the Clutter Princess, for sharing her holiday tips as a singleton.    Singletons can have their own challenges when it comes to managing the holiday season.  Organizing the holidays when you are single takes a on new twist. When you’re single, you don’t have someone to delegate to […]


Meet the ADHD Expert Laura Rolands

  Throughout the month of December, I am honored and grateful to share posts by ADHD experts.  In this series of  Meet the ADHD Expert, our experts are sharing their thoughts about ADHD.  Let me introduce guest blogger Laura Rolands.     Laura Rolands of is an ADHD Coach who helps adults with ADHD/ADD pay attention, […]


Elf on the Shelf ® Organized

  Each year right when the holidays begin,  families meet their personal scout Elf who joins their family for the holiday season to help Santa with his naughty and nice list.  Each day their Elf moves around their home watching them from different spots to check on the kids.  It is a tradition to locate […]


Meet the ADHD Expert Andrea Sharb

Throughout the month of December, I am honored and grateful to share posts by ADHD experts.  In this series of  Meet the ADHD Expert, our experts are sharing their thoughts about ADHD.  Let me introduce guest blogger Andrea Sharb.     Andrea Sharb, ACC®, CPO-CD®, COC®, and CPO® is owner of S.O.S.~Sharb Organizing Solutions, LLC and a […]


Meet the ADHD Expert Ari Tuckman

Throughout the month of December, I am honored and grateful to share posts by ADHD experts.  In this series of  Meet the ADHD Experts, our experts are sharing their thoughts about ADHD.  Let me introduce guest blogger Ari Tuckman.         Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA is the author of three books:  “Understand Your […]


Easy Organized Thanksgiving

  Thanksgiving is our national holiday for gratitude.  We are abundantly blessed in our country with privileges and resources.  The celebration focuses on an abundant table, set with all sorts of fabulous food.  It can be a overwhelming to prepare for this holiday.  Let’s plan an easy organized Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving is when our […]


Getting Organized for the Holidays

  It’s already the holiday season! We see it in our yards with Halloween decorations, in shops with Christmas decorations, and we feel it in the energy around us.  Thanks to BlogElevated, I have asked some bloggers to share how they get organized for the holidays.  How do you get organized for the holidays?    […]