Entries by Ellen

Keep It Simple Sweetie

Simplicity makes a difference in all our lives.  Creating a simple plan, working on a simplified project, and communicating simply are all important aspects of simplying our lives.  I love the mantra of Keep It Simple Sweetie because it reminds us in a fun way to keep things as simple as possible.   Often complexity makes a task overwhelming and […]

Filing – yuck!

Did you know that Pendaflex has an I HATE FILING Club?   http://www.pendaflex.com/enUS/CommunityLanding/default.html Even professional organizers are members!  Just because you are an organizer or are organized does not mean you like to work with paper, file paper, or review paper.  What to do about this situation? Simplify your efforts with paper.  For me it is creating actions […]

Organized Pooch

Visiting with one of my longest clients I know transference of skill has happened! As a certified professional organizer, our work is to teach our clients to organize and maintain their organization, meaning we have transferred this skill.  In our work together, the client and I have organized her closets, pantry, and more.  Most importantly she has maintained them […]

Team approach for your family

  Creating your family team takes consistent systems and routines.  Team building includes the family meeting where the assignments of “who is doing what” become reality.   Today a client shared with me what works for her familiy. It is a system called “I did my chores.”  My client assigns chores with points for each of her […]

Travel and organizing

Just when you are getting ready for a trip is when to be most organized. Yes, there are Targets in every major city. But why spent time there when we are on vacation?  Take time to make a list for what you need. Have a travel cosmetic bag ready all the time including beauty duplicates and […]

Time is on my side, yes it is!

  Is there always just one more email or phone call to answer?   Does getting ready for the day takes longer than you think?   Do you find that you are typically running late?   Give yourself a gift of time!  Time is on my side, yes it is! Arrive 15 minutes early mindfully. […]

Hello world!

In starting this blog, I want to continue to make a difference for my clients and be a resource for our community.  I am passionate about empowering people, motivating them to live their best lives, and affirming their strengths! Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you’ve imagined!  Henry David Thoreau. […]