Entries by Ellen

Secrets to Managing Multiple Projects

  Wouldn’t work and life be easier if we could have just one project to do at at time?  It’s when we have to do more than one project at at time that we get overwhelmed.  The opportunity to focus on one single project is not typically possible.  At home we have laundry, dinner and […]

5 Tips for the First Day Back to School

5 Tips for Mom, Dad, Auntie, Grandparents and Caregivers Plan ahead with breakfast, lunch and snacks. Get up earlier than your kids to have coffee, get grounded and get ahead. Music can make your family’s day. Create a playlist for your morning. Surround your family with positive energy and positive talk. Make self care a […]

5 Tips to Get Ready for Back to School

  Getting ready for back to school feels like a sprint and a marathon. It’s a myriad of details, appointments, and preparation.  What makes it easier to get ready for back to school?  Here’s five tips that prep you for being back to school. Have your calendar and your check book ready At back to […]

Budget Friendly Family Vacation Tips. Book the trip!

This guest post is authored by Becky Drake Conser, Master Trainer for Beachbody LIVE, a National Fitness Presenter, a Mother, and a UNICORN.  After her European vacation, she realized “I spend way less money on three weeks of vacation than one unsupervised Monday at Target!”   I wanted to share a couple (well, more than a couple […]

4 Ways to Celebrate Each Sunday

  Sunday. Just the word brings to mind so many different ways to spend the day. There’s the spiritual side of Sunday, picnic in the park Sunday and get ready for the week Sunday.   Why not combine a bit of each type of day into your Sunday? Here’s 3 ways to celebrate each Sunday.   […]

Celebrate your Freedom from Too Much Stuff on July 4

  One of my favorite holidays is July 4.  It’s when we celebrate our nation and our freedoms as a country. It’s also the time to celebrate our personal freedom; freedom from too much stuff.  It’s time to release the restraints of clutter and celebrate letting go.   What’s holding you back Our stuff is […]

Why is it so hard to let go of stuff?

  The statistics say it all. Perhaps we have a problem with keeping too much stuff?  In the U.S., 65% of self-storage renters have a garage in their home, 47% have an attic, and 33 percent have a basement. This suggests that Americans have more things than their homes allow them. Over the past 40 […]