Entries by Ellen

Back to School for Your ADHD Family

  The start of a new school year can be empowering and difficult.  It brings the promise of a new teacher and a fresh start, as well as the fear of previous challenges.  For your ADHD family, back to school is a new beginning each and every year.   Clean slate Back to school for […]

Financial Organizing: Bill Paying

    Good financial organizing requires being organized about paying bills.  Bill paying is a necessary evil for us.  It’s not fun! (It’s not fun ever!) Sometimes it’s scary because we may not have enough money to pay bills.  Sometimes it’s complicated because income comes in at a different time than bills come in.  Sometimes […]

Financial Organizing: Creating a budget

  We all want to make the best use of our resources. Saving money is at the top of this list.  Financial organizing creates a focus on your goals, your systems and your routines around money.  Creating a budget as the first step to organizing your money.   Start your budget by knowing what weekly […]

Organizing Basics: Organizing 1, 2, 3

  Organizing can be as simple as 1, 2, 3.  Really? Yes!  It comes down to great rules and routines that follow up your organizing.  Get everyone on board in your family and it’s a piece of cake.  Here are my top 3 organizing rules.   1.  If it takes just a minute, put it […]