Entries by Ellen

Getting Organized for the Holidays

  It’s already the holiday season! We see it in our yards with Halloween decorations, in shops with Christmas decorations, and we feel it in the energy around us.  Thanks to BlogElevated, I have asked some bloggers to share how they get organized for the holidays.  How do you get organized for the holidays?    […]

Five Fall Organizing Tips for Your Home

Fall organizing makes ready the transition to autumn.  ›I love Fall!  It’s a time of transitions, back to school, fresh starts, and the gateway to the holidays!  Here are five fall organizing tips for your home.  Focusing on these areas will make your home company ready too! › › ›Organizing Your Time Activities gear up […]

Organizing Receipts

  Receipts here, there and everywhere? Is it time to get a better handle on your receipts? As temping as it seems to toss or shred as many as you can, it is easy to find a simple solution for storing receipts.  Organizing receipts saves money, helps you return items easily, and simplifies tax time. […]

5 Blogging Tips I Learned at BlogElevated

  Last weekend I attended Blog Elevated, an event hosted in Houston to build a blogging community and teach skills about blogging. I started blogging in May 2009.   As a professional organizer, I think “organized” about my work, my marketing and my blog.  I searched for a blogging conference to learn more about how […]