Financial Organizing: Bill Paying

financial organizing bill paying



Good financial organizing requires being organized about paying bills.  Bill paying is a necessary evil for us.  It’s not fun! (It’s not fun ever!) Sometimes it’s scary because we may not have enough money to pay bills.  Sometimes it’s complicated because income comes in at a different time than bills come in.  Sometimes it’s just so much going on it’s hard to keep up with every thing.


We try to find the easiest way to pay our bills on time. (Paying your bills on time increases your credit score, which is linked to credit extended by banks, mortgage companies and other loans.)  There are lots of different ways to pay bills.  Choose what’s best for you.


Bill paying starts with a great system and routine. Think of bill paying as a process with steps.  Follow these three steps and add in your own personal touches to make bill paying easier and less stressful.


Step 1: Keep all your bills together

  • Gather the bills in your command center.  I recommend getting the paper bills as a reminder you need to pay them.  Bills can get “lost” in your email.  Place them where you will see them, just so you remember to pay them.


  • Keep a list of your bills so that you know what you pay and when you pay. If you pay everything online, this list is especially helpful to see.


Step 2: Establish a system that works for you

  • At times these systems can overlap, but generally find one that works best for you.  Also have one as a back up, in case there’s an oops.
  • Pay by check.  Order 2 sets of checks at a time so you always have checks.  Place the checks together with stamps, envelopes and pens.
  • Pay online through your bank. Print out the consolidated receipt.
  • Pay automatically with a bank account or credit card.  Review your accounts monthly to be sure everything is paid correctly.
  • Pay by phone. Create a list of account numbers and phone numbers for each account.


Step 3: Establish a routine that works for you

  • Our lives are busy! However, a routine is what keeps your bill paying from becoming chaotic and late.  Choose just one routine and practice, practice, practice.
  •  Pay bills each day as arriving.  Open the envelope and write the paid date on the bill.
  • Pay bills weekly on a certain day each week.  Consolidating bill paying saves time.
  • Pay ahead double the amount.  This can get tricky, so be sure you keep a list of how much you paid when.
  • Set a weekly time to work on money.  No matter which routine you choose, have a regular time to check your bank balance and credit card statements helps you adhere to your budget.


After you have completed bill paying, you can file all the bills in one box labelled with the year.  It’s the easiest, fastest way to keep up with these papers. The box can be in your office, easy to access. It’s just that simple!


Have some tricks or tips to your bill paying?


Join me on my Financial Organizing  pinterest board.


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Financial Organizing: Creating a budget

financial organizing creating a budget


We all want to make the best use of our resources. Saving money is at the top of this list.  Financial organizing creates a focus on your goals, your systems and your routines around money.  Creating a budget as the first step to organizing your money.


Start your budget by knowing what weekly and monthly expenses you have. 

  • Start with a list of all the utilities, rent and bills you pay every month.  These expenses are often set already.
  • Use to see what categories you are spending money on each month on your credit and debit cards.  These expenses can be modified to see where to save money.
  • Use cash for 2 weeks.  Go to the ATM, withdraw the amounts for each category, and pay with cash. Leave your credit cards at  home.
  • Once you know where your money is going, you can take the next step with clarity.



Money saving strategies


  • Pay yourself first with automated savings. You can set up an automatic deduction from your checking account to a savings account.  Decide on a percentage of saving or a dollar amount to have transferred each month.
  • Think about your personal goals.  Is it to retire comfortably?  Take more vacations? Invest in more education for yourself?  Link your goals to empower your savings. When you know what you are saving for and a timeline to accumulate an amount, it is powerful.
  • Designate 2 or 3 ways you will save money.  There are small ways to start saving money.  Eat at home for dinner.  Pack lunch for work and school.  Grocery shop with a list on the same day each week.  Starting small helps you accomplish your goal to save money.
  • Get educated on the best ways to invest your savings. Learn from blogs, attended local seminars and find trusted investment counselors.


Know your weaknesses.


  • If it’s all to easy to go online or use a credit card for purchases, use a strategy to defer purchases. When online shopping, use the wish list instead of the card.  Return to the site a day later and decide if you want to make a purchase.  Carry only your debit card with you to make purchases, rather than a credit card.
  • Just like a diet, if you feel deprived you will not keep up with your budget.  Keep sight of your goals with a picture of what you want to accomplish.  Reward yourself with small purchases to keep on track if needed. A small splurge can be a good thing!


Budgets help you accomplish your short and long term saving goals.  Having basic tools to prioritize how you use your money makes it easier to accomplish these goals.


Lots of ideas on money management and financial organizing are on my pinterest board.

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Financial Organizing: Best Financial Apps


organizing your finances best apps

Organizing your finances is important.  But let’s make it as easy and as seamless as we can.


In the early 2000’s, we started experiencing the ease of online banking.  Many people were reluctant at first, and some continue to doubt the safety factor.


However, what’s not to love about our smartphones, tablets and computers when they can make something less painful?  The best financial apps can make financial organizing easier.


Your bank App

Not only can you make deposits without going to the bank, you can transfer money rather than send a check.  Having your bank app on your phone means you can check deposits and account balances.



The trick to keeping current on bill paying is to set a reminder to pay the bills!  Reminders are great for paper or online bill pay.  Set the reminder as a recurring event each month to act on your finances.



Once a year it’s great to check your credit score.  Your credit score impacts how interest on loans, how much you pay for insurance and mortgage rate.  Keep up annually with this free app.


Red Laser

I love to shop when I know I am getting the best price for an item.  Using Red Laser, I can price an item by scanning the bar code and see where to purchase it most cheaply.


Grocery IQ

There’s always groceries to buy! Why not share the responsibility by sharing the list?  Grocery IQ builds a list that can be used by multiple smart phones.  Whoever is on the way home can stop and get the milk now.



Expense accounts can be time consuming!  Simplify the process with this app that includes scanning your receipt and adding it to your expense form.


I’d love to learn your favorite financial apps too!


Loving all the money mojo? Join me on pinterest Financial Organizing


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Organizing your Papers: Tax Time Tips



tax tips

It’s that time again!  It’s easy to procrastinate.  Incoming mail shouts out “Important Tax Papers Enclosed.”  There’s no avoiding it, it’s time to get organized for your taxes.  It’s better in baby steps with these tax time tips.

Create a master file for all tax related papers
Even before your 1099 papers arrive, start a master file using an expanding accordion file (affiliate link) or file folders.  Label the files with the important tax categories –W-2 information, interest and dividend income, capital gains and losses, charitable donations, medical and dental expenses, deductible business expenses, and miscellaneous deductions (educational expenses, safe deposit boxes, financial planning). Even before your papers arrive, this file will be their “home” and papers will not get lost! And to prepare for the current year, begin a master file for incoming documents for the current year, so you will not have to search for them at this time next year.  Not sure what papers you will need? Turbo Tax has a list for you!

Set aside time on your calendar to collect tax related information
At the beginning of February, mark your calendar for a 2 hour tax session with yourself! Go through your checkbook, bank statement and files to find important items to copy for accounting purposes. Three weeks later, mark another 2 hour tax session to wrap up those loose ends and file your documents in your master file. If you use an accountant, you are ready to send in your papers.  If you file yourself, break your filing sessions into manageable chunks like 2 hour sessions too!  You can always break these sessions into one hour segments too.  Most importantly marking these on your calendar commits you to work.

Use technology as your assistant
So much has changed about paper and the IRS.   You can use scanned documents as records for your tax deductions. According to the IRS, “The electronic storage system must also index, store, preserve, retrieve, and reproduce the electronically stored books and records.”  You can scan any kind of paper and receipts as back up documentation. If you choose to scan, be sure you back up your documents and create an online file system that you can easily use and access.

There are lots of other ways technology can help.

  • Can’t find your most important tax papers? Look online for your property tax payments and mortgage interest expense.  It’s easy to locate these records on your mortgage or banking websites.
  • Medical expenses are easy to track online at your medical provider’s website.
  • Need values for your donations?  Click online at TurboTax Its deductible Online Charity Tracker.  It’s a free, easy to use online tracker for your donations throughout the year.
  • File electronically with the IRS is the way to go.  Upon receipt, you will receive confirmation. Keep the confirmation with your tax papers, just in case.

Tax time and tax preparation is much easier by being organized.   After you are done, treat yourself to a little reward!

Need help with your tax preparation?  Let me assist you.

Enjoy a little time away from your taxes.  Check out my pinterest pages Warm Winter Fun!

Don’t miss out on upcoming organizing tips and techniques! Click here to subscribe to my monthly newsletter.


Organizing Receipts

organizing your receipts


Receipts here, there and everywhere? Is it time to get a better handle on your receipts? As temping as it seems to toss or shred as many as you can, it is easy to find a simple solution for storing receipts.  Organizing receipts saves money, helps you return items easily, and simplifies tax time.

Here are 6 simple ways to keep receipts under control!

  • Use a Ziploc or small zipper case in your car for receipts.  Gather them together from your purse, car and bags.   Drop them in the case each time you get gas.
  • Place an envelope on your kitchen desk.  Keep receipts by month and write the name of the month and year on the front of the envelope.
  • Have a slot in your command center in your kitchen for receipts.  Drop these in daily while you are doing your paper triage.
  • Have receipts in the closet? Keep a box in your dressing area for dropping in receipts.
  • Use a 13 slot accordion file for keeping receipts by month.  Keep your accordion file in an easy to access desk drawer.
  • Set up a monthly hanging file for receipts and bank deposit slips in the front of a file drawer.
  • Keep your receipts in a To Be Scanned folder or box.  Neat Desk is a great option and easy to use.  Have your Neat Connect (sponsored link) set up wirelessly all the time on  your desk, ready to use.

Now that you have gathered these, how long do you keep receipts?

  • Want to match up your credit card purchases with the monthly statement?  Match and then destroy unneeded receipts.
  • For major purchases, staple the receipt to the instruction book.
  • For taxes, in the state of Texas, these can be used as a tax deduction because of sales tax. Save your receipts by month.  Neat Connect (sponsored link) is especially helpful with templates for taxes.

Got receipts? Organizing receipts? How are you organizing receipts?


Don’t miss a minute of upcoming organizing tips and techniques! Click here to subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

Back to School Checklists


back to school check lists

I love checklists! Back to school can be stressful and often we forget some of the most important, simple items.  Here are a few sample back to school checklists to cover your back to school needs.

Real simple back to school checklist

Real Simple Back to School Checklist

Real Simple Back to School Checklist

mom agenda back to school check list

Mom Agenda Back to School Checklist

MomAgenda Back to School Checklist

Container Store College products

Container Store Back to College Checklist

Container Store College Checklist back to school checklist Back to School Checklist Back to School Checklist


Six Tips for Turkey Time

Time for the turkey trot~ the time of year to get your turkey and Thanksgiving dinner in order! Families and friends gather to celebrate a day of gratitude and connection.  What will make your day focused on thanksfulness?  Here are a few organizing ideas.

  • Get ahead with a list.  Having a plan makes all the difference. The list begins with who, what, where, when and how. Who will be attending? What will be needed? Where will it be held and what time? And HOW can everyone contribute?
  • Get the goodies.  Assign everyone a job, no matter if it is bringing the canned cranberries and rolls. Everyone wants to contribute so be a team player with assignments or step up and volunteer.
  • Get going.  Get ahead with your shopping list by going through your cabinets for supplies, including plates and utensils.  Shop early for items that are non-perishable. Shop in the evening early in the week to avoid crowds.
  • Set up ahead.  You can set up your food stations early in the week as well as tables and chairs.  If you are going out, call for reservations early too for best seating.
  • Time it all out. There are lots of goodies and only one oven so create a timeline for how you will cook. Remember that turkeys take time to thaw so plan on extra time for this.
  • Take time to be thankful. As you are preparing and enjoying your time together, spend a few minutes talking about gratitude.  

Happy Turkey Time everyone!   What helpful hints do you have for your family’s turkey trot?

5 Simple Filing Solutions

Filing! Everyone hates filing! However, you can make filing less painful with a few simple solutions.

  • The easiest way to file is to have one box for a one year’s worth of paper. Have an easy to access, attractive box to drop in paper as it arrives. You can find what you need by going through the paper in chronological order. It saves time and energy to have just one box for all papers.
  • Have big categories for your files. Remember that filing is for retrieval! Having categories that include important areas can help you file quickly. Categories include home and auto, financial, personal and work. This filing is best accomplished with hanging files. But don’t just file everything. Be sure to keep just what you will want to retrieve. 
  • Make a list of your files. Often we are not sure where a paper goes, so we don’t file it. With a list, you have choices of where to file and what the options are.
  • File for fun! (Really!) Add music, your favorite tv show, with a friend, or with an adult beverage to add fun to your filing.
  • Use filing products you love. I recently found the filertek dry erase hanging file tabs. Having dry erase tabs means you can add names to your files easily. Also having lots of colored hanging files or beautiful file folders makes your work lovely to look at. Companies like www.officecandy, and make fabulous products for you to love and use.

I love to share my personal filing secret! I file 4 times a year and when I file I watch foodtv. What is your personal filing secret?

ABC13 Back to School

Thanks to ABC13 for the opportunity to make a difference this fall for Back To School.

Healthy Breakfasts on a Budget

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Back to School Family Organizing

Woodlands Home and Garden Show Fall 2012: Simple Solutions for an Efficient Home Office


Simple Solutions for an Efficient Home Office

Are you avoiding your home office because it is cluttered with paper, extra junk, set up poorly or overwhelming?  Busy lives demand efficient ways to work productively in your home office. Join Certified Professional Organizer and Family Manager Coach Ellen Delap to learn tools and techniques for organizing your files, establishing productive processes and arranging your space for maximum effectively.  Ellen will also share products that will make a difference.  Leave with a plan for your home!

Saturday August 25 at 1:15 pm

Woodlands Marriott Conference and Resort