25 Strategies for Time Management for those with ADHD

25 strategies for time management with adhd


Time management is just one of the Executive Function challenges of those with ADHD. With that comes a lack of time awareness and the effect of time blindness. Being on time for a meeting, meeting deadlines, and juggling priorities feels overwhelming at times. There are practical strategies that can make a difference.

1. Use Visual Timers and Analog Clocks

Use external tools that make it easier to “see” time. Leverage timers or countdown clocks to stay aware of time passing. Post analog clocks in places that will help you move forward with work and movement. The best places for an analog clock are easily in sight at you sit at your desk or in spaces that have no window.

2. Break Tasks into Small Steps

It is common for work to feel overwhelming when it is not broken into smaller sections. Chunk larger projects into manageable tasks to avoid overwhelm. For instance, to prepare your taxes, you an create tasks such as gather documents, list income, list medical expences, list other deductions, list estimated tax payments and so forth. Each step gets you closer to the completed project.

3. Prioritize Using a Top-Three List

Prevent being overwhelmed by the length of your list. Choose the three Most Important Tasks (MITs) to focus on each day. Write that list where you can see it all day long to keep on track.

4. Set Specific Time Blocks

Use time blocking to dedicate certain hours to specific activities. A time block can be of a duration that gives you optimal focus time. When blocks are too frequent it creates paralysis. Aim for a duration that you work best.

5. Create a Daily Routine

Your daily routine is how you start the day, end the day, and start your work day. Create a checklist that helps you stay on track. The checklist helps you stay true to your plan. Consistency helps reduce decision fatigue and improves focus.

6. Use Alarms and Reminders

Alarms help us break through hyperfocus. Set multiple alarms for appointments, breaks, or task transitions. Remember to give yourself plenty of transition time to adhere to your schedule.

7. Adopt a Hybrid Calendar

There is no one perfect calendar. Your phone is with you all the time. You get online invitations to keep on your digital calendar. At the same time, you crave seeing the calendar and writing stuff down. The best way to calendar is with a hybrid combination that integrates a shared or personal calendar for scheduling.

8. Time Tasks with Double and Triple Time Estimates

Since time awareness is not a strength, it is difficult to estimate how long tasks take. Give yourself ample time to work by doubling and tripling the amount of time given to any task or project. You will feel that you can do your best work this way.  Start any task or project as early as possible to give yourself this time allocation.

9. Start with a Brain Dump

A cluttered mind makes it hard to get stuff done. Write down all tasks cluttering your mind before organizing them. Remember this long list will be prioritized and streamlined. Having a list frees up mental space to be available for real work. Choose a way to make your brain dump manageable by arranging it by category or urgency. Take the next step wth a daily and weekly list.

10. Set Boundaries for Distractions

There are so many distractions in our lives. Eliminate or limit distractions by silencing notifications or creating a focused workspace. Set a boundary for sleep and rest with charging your devices in a common charging space, not in your bedroom. Your boundaries will help you feel more productive and better rested.

11. Follow the Two-Minute Rule

It is hard to come back to a task. If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.

12. Practice Time Blocking with Breaks

Mental capacity is improved with breaks. Schedule short breaks between work sessions to reset focus. Take a walk, hydrate or text a friend to take a break and clear your mind.

13. Designate a “Landing Zone”

Looking for lost items is frustrating and time-consuming. Create a specific area for essentials like keys, wallet, or phone to save time searching. You will feel better as you start and end your day knowing where your essentials are at all times.

14. Use Color-Coding

Color can help you categorize your day. Color-code your calendar or to-do list to visually differentiate tasks such as starting the day, deep dive work, and break time. Seeing each segment helps you adhere to your plan. You can also color code your family activities on your calendar by person, activity or task.

15. Start with the Easiest Task

It feels good to accomplish a bit quickly and easily. Build momentum by checking off simple tasks first. Keep a list of quick tasks to get done to feel energized.

16. Practice Body Doubling

The science behind body doubling is that working parallel lends energy to both workers. Work alongside a friend or coworker to stay on track. You will be amazed at the results.

17. Set a “Done-for-the-Day” Time

Because time is blurry, overworking and undefined end times for work contribute to feeling drained. Define when to stop working to have time for self-care and fun. That time should be the same every day. If you decide to work longer one day, make it the same day every week.

18. Use Post-It Notes for Key Reminders

Post-it notes make everything easy to see. Place visual reminders where you’ll see them. Edit your notes once a week for clarity and to reset your goals. A favorite post-it note of mine is the 4 by 6 size with lines.

19. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Batching works well in many situations. Rather than return a single call or make a single appointment, group similar or repetitive tasks to save time and gain momentum.

20. Avoid Multitasking

Research shows that you lose time and efficiency when you multi-task. Allow yourself to do your best. Focus on one task at a time to reduce errors and stay efficient. If you are distracted by multiple tasks, write a quick list on a Post-it note to clear your mind.

21. Embrace the Power of Deadlines

Deadlines always make things happen. Set specific, short-term deadlines to create small steps for a tasks with specific outcomes. It is easier to accomplish a long term deadline with smaller chunks of deadlines.

22. Create a Reward System

Small rewards are often a key motivator. That can be a punch card with 5-10 punches for a reward. Or it can be a jar with small rewards listed by you that you reward after you accomplish particularly unmotivating tasks.

23. Declutter Your Workspace Regularly

A cluttered workspace is highly distracting. Keep your space organized to minimize visual distractions by having a weekly reset. Clear cups, toss trash and move items back to their homes to gain clarity.

24. Leverage ADHD-Friendly Apps

Many apps leverage your strengths. Choose to learn and use apps like Todoist, Notion, or Trello for tracking and planning. Each has many ways that can enhance reminders, calendars, and overall project success.

25. Practice Self-Care

The most important productivity tip is to practice self-care which includes high-protein meals, 8 hours of rest in bed, some walking outside, and hydration. Self-care is also the most difficult to accomplish. Set yourself up for success by taking time to take care of yourself.


Choose one of these strategies to implement and see the difference!

Adapting to Unprecedented Change


Adapting to unprecedented change


I am noticing a common conversation this year. It is a conversation at my home and with clients. How did life get so complicated? How is it that so much is changing and that change feels harder? This conversation is going on all around us! Recently listening to Brene Brown, I learned that we are in a super cycle of change. There is an unprecedented amount of change at an unprecedented velocity. Here are some strategies on how will we work with this amount of change.


Lay a strong foundation of self-care

When velocity is beyond our capacity, we have the power to pause. A strong foundation of self-care gives us the knowledge of when to pause. It is especially important to have a bedtime that supports a great night’s sleep. Being wise means creating a supportive environment with a common changing area for devices in the kitchen, getting ready for bed an hour in advance with no blue light, keeping your bedroom dark, and lowering the temperature in your home.


Maximize the value of organizing

Being proactive means being prepared. Tidy up your physical space, your mental clarity and your digital space while change is happening.  That includes systems for letting go and decluttering, categorizing and grouping, and then organizing and maintaining. Allocate time each week to keep the flow of organizing going at home and work. Being organized includes ways to anticipate obstacles and work to eliminate the element of surprise. Well-crafted systems take challenges into account and anticipate issues in the system. Strategize on what would go wrong in your new system and what would be Plan B or Plan C if needed. Recognize the objections of others on your team and work together to build a better system.


Take a perspective of curiosity and learning

Lead with curiosity on how you can learn when change happens. Learn a new skill or create a new system for home and work.  Become comfortable with creating “hacks” as you learn more. As you embrace learning, change feels more comfortable. Your perspective of learning will lean into personal and professional growth.


Be a data nerd

There is so much data around us now. You might have an Apple watch that tells your sleep pattern and daily step count. You have access to your financial accounts and credit reports. Use your data wisely with a healthy dose of skepticism. Remember that most information on social media is coming to you with an algorithm and curate that wisely. Learn from the data and make wise choices based on this information.


Surround yourself with support

All manner of support is around you. There is help available for all sorts of learning. The first step is to ask for help in the areas you need. Know and acknowledge that asking for help means you are proactively taking positive steps for yourself.  Move into a space of learning and connection to research the help you need. Look for people to be a part of your team who work well with change as well. Learn to be a helper to others as well. If you can give s short cut, share a meal, or give a hug, you are giving back. Remember we are all in this together.


Maintaining a positive perspective with change

There are many times when we look forward to change. A few of these are going to college, getting married, having children, buying your first home, or taking a vacation.  Each change includes experiencing something new, at a cost, involving modifying a lifestyle choice. Each of these changes involves agency, that being the opportunity for you to make decisions about the changes. When you are making a change that is forced on you, it is important to create a strong positive reason you connect with every day to have a positive perspective.


Giving yourself grace and lots of self-care.

You have high expectations. That saying, if Plan A fails there is the rest of the alphabet. Stay the course and give yourself grace. Change occurs over the long haul. Expect imperfection and those obstacles already assessed. Self-care can always be your best route to processing and accepting change. I notice that everyone does better with a good night’s rest. If it is a rough day, get in your jammies and get in bed early without your devices. Another option is being outside and getting exercise. You will feel much better after a short walk than after time on your device so get outside. Have a headache? Grab a big glass of water. You know yourself best to know how to take the best care of yourself.


As the year begins, I recommend doing a recap. Write out your recap and look back on all your resilience this year. Allow yourself to acknowledge all the successes you have had this year. This is a starting point for the new year.

How to Boost Productivity This Fall by Tackling Small Tasks Immediately

How to boost productivity by tackling small tasks immediately


As the school year continues and we continue to learn, it is the perfect time to reassess productivity strategies looking to find more efficiency for daily life.  We often put aside a small task, thinking it will take too long to complete yet never come back to it. An effective approach is to commit to tackling small tasks as soon as possible. You can reduce overwhelm by quickly tackling a task rather than adding it to a long list. Here’s how you can harness the power of this strategy.


The Benefits of Quickly Tackling Small Tasks

So many times you know you have a task and put it aside because you don’t have enough time. At the same time, that unfinished tasks remains on your mind. Unfinished tasks are mental clutter than keeps you from focusing fully on true priorities. You can’t think as clearly as a result.  Small tasks build up quickly and there is a sense of never completing a day productively. Completing tasks quickly gives you a boost of momentum and a sense of accomplishment.


Try out David Allen’s Two Minute Rule Strategy

According to David Allen in the New York Times best seller Getting Things Done, the Two Minute Rule states that “If an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it’s defined.” The idea to quickly execute these tasks, rather than listing these, while you have the attention to that task. Throughout the day there are many opportunities to take advantage of theTwo Minute Rule such as responding quickly or deleting an email, dropping papers at the command center or even putting away underwear in a drawer.


Automating Small Tasks that Take Little Brain Power

Another way to capitalize on the momentum of small tasks done quickly is to create a routine for these. Routines are often the best way to automate small tasks. Set one or two time blocks as transition times during the day. This transition can also include movement to handle these tasks. Moving quickly between areas in your office give you the opportunity to stand, walk, and drop items off to make progress.

Build a bigger team and delegate

Small, one step tasks can be delegated too. Set up an immediate system for delegating with a virtual assistant. Clearly communicate the task and what the standard operating procedure should be. Keep communication lines open to know when the task is complete and when it should be completed again. Delegating gives you time for priorities and builds opportunities for future delegation of bigger tasks and projects


Real-Life Examples of Immediate Task Handling

Here are some ways you can start incorporating this strategy into your daily life.

  • Start viewing your email through the lens of the Two Minute Strategy. Check email and respond to those that need a quick response or calendar entry.
  • Tidy up your work space and desk at the end of the day to put away items and reset for an organized next day.
  • Return a quick phone call or text right away.
  • Create an awareness of what you consider a Two Minute task and make a list of these. During your Weekly Planning, review upcoming tasks and evaluate this for further efficiency.

How Tackling a Small Task Prevents Procrastination

A big asset to tackling small tasks is preventing procrastination. At times we think a task will take so much time when in reality it is initiation that is the challenge. Getting started is part of Executive Function where the brain does the work of organizing, planning and doing. By using this strategy, you are preventing procrastination in many ways. You have created a rule for yourself that gets you moving. You can use this rule now for any bigger task or project too. What can you start for two minutes to begin a project?


Maybe 10 or 15 minutes is your sweet spot for small tasks in short bursts. Boost your productivity with this new strategy for getting tasks started and done. Choose one or two tasks to start with and review your progress.

How to Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Help You with Decision Making and Prioritizing

how to use the Eisenhower Matrix for decision making


Life is complex with many important tasks competing daily. How do we know what is most important and when we should act on that task or project? We have heard of the Eisenhower Matrix for years.  The Eisenhower Matrix is a task management tool that helps you organize and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, using the ideas of General Eisenhower and put into practice by David Allen. By applying the tools to the tasks and projects you are working on, you can decide more easily about your priorities and actions for your day, week, and month. See how this works for you!


Understanding the Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix looks like a series of squares. The matrix consists of four quadrants with each quadrant focusing on two concepts simultaneously, urgent and important. Urgent tasks require quick action. Important tasks contribute to your long-term goals, mission, and values.  The alignment of “Urgent and Important” is where the highest level of response to the most important tasks occurs.

  • Urgent and Important (Do First): Tasks in this quadrant are both urgent and important and require immediate attention. Handle these first since these are critical to achieving your goals.
  • Important, but Not Urgent (Schedule): Tasks in this quadrant are important for your long-term goals but may not be time-sensitive. Schedule these tasks to be sure of completion.
  • Urgent, but Not Important (Delegate): Tasks in this quadrant are urgent but not necessarily important for you to do. Either delegate tasks to others to free up your time for more important activities or set up a routine to complete.
  • Not Urgent and Not Important (Eliminate): Tasks in this quadrant are neither urgent nor important. Minimize or eliminate these distractions or time-wasters.

Assign each of your tasks or projects to a quadrant. As you plan your week, you can use this system to categorize your tasks first, then assign them to your time blocks. 

Effectively using the Eisenhower Matrix

Your tasks and projects might feel overwhelming each week as you review them. This tool will help you decide what is most important, so you know when to work on which tasks. Let’s review this system starting with where you have the biggest obstacles to overcome in your prioritizing, which is focusing on tasks that are not urgent or important.


Neither Urgent Nor Important (Eliminate)
These are tasks that are such low priority that you can eliminate them as much as possible. Tasks that fall into the category are often also “someday/maybe” as well as tasks that take you away from your goals. Examples of these tasks are social media scrolling and other procrastinating activities. These actions tend to align with a need for a refresher like taking a walk or taking a sip of water. Start being more aware of the distractions and time wasters in your day to set a limit on these activities.


Urgent but Not Important (Delegate)

A task might be urgent but not so important as to take you away from other work.  Tasks that fall into the category can be delegated with direction or can be accomplished at low energy. Administrative tasks that require a low level of detail and some meetings fall into this category. Unnecessary interruptions, checking email randomly, and checking social media appear urgent. Urgent but not important tasks are tricky to handle and assess. Start by applying rules for when to check email and when to turn off notifications as these interrupt your workflow. Know which tasks can be delegated or automated, such as ordering groceries or using Chat GPT to create a meal plan. Keep aware of urgent feeling conversations with co-workers or drama with friends that feel urgent but take you off course.


Important but Not Urgent (Schedule)

These tasks are that are often required and often help you achieve long-term goals. These may have big consequences and appear to have no deadlines until the deadline is imminent. Tasks that fall into this category are marketing plans, expense reports, health-related, educational, and most importantly building relationships. Having a weekly planning time and using time blocks for these tasks helps you keep up with them. Routines are an important way to handle important but not urgent tasks.


Urgent and Important (Do)

These tasks require immediate action, have an immediate deadline, and have significant consequences. These are typically also the daily crises that happen such as a flat tire, a sick kiddo, or a last-minute request at work. Do these tasks during your first time block of the day to be sure you have time and energy. Even the best of planning cannot prevent last-minute emergencies. However, you can add in flexibility in your schedule by leaving white space in your calendar.


There are several ways to use this tool.

  • During weekly planning time, list out all the tasks or next steps in your projects. Then, categorize each task into one of the four quadrants of the Eisenhower Matrix based on its urgency and importance. This will give you a clear overview of what needs to be done and help you prioritize your time accordingly. From there, you can allocate time blocks in your calendar for each task, ensuring that you dedicate sufficient time to important and urgent tasks while also scheduling time for tasks that are important but not urgent.
  • As your week progresses, there will be interruptions or new tasks that need to be worked on. When this happens, assign these tasks to the appropriate quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix to ensure that you continue to focus on your priorities. If a new task is both urgent and important, it may require immediate attention and adjustment of your schedule. If a task is neither urgent nor important, you may choose to delegate it or eliminate it altogether to maintain your focus on more critical activities.


By using the Eisenhower Matrix for both weekly planning and adaptation during the week, you can effectively manage your time, prioritize your tasks, and stay focused on what matters most, ultimately enhancing your productivity and achieving your goals more efficiently. The Eisenhower Matrix decision-making method can be a great tool to help you choose which items on your to-do list to prioritize immediately and which you can delegate later.



How to Manage Any Overwhelming, Large Project

manage a large project


Undertaking a large project can be overwhelming and intimidating. That large project could be a wedding, volunteering with an association, starting a business, or completing a major work assignment.  The size and complexity of the task can paralyze your thinking and prevent you from getting started. Here are some effective strategies to help you manage any overwhelming, large project.


Start with a Clear Plan

The first step in managing any large project is to create a clear and detailed plan with deadlines. Break the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and create a timeline for completing each one. Make your timeline visual to help you see the steps along the way to manage anxiety and perfectionism. Work backward from the original deadline to ensure completion ahead of time. This will help you stay organized and focused as you work towards your goal. Use project management tools like Trello, Asana, or a Gantt chart to help you keep track of tasks and deadlines.

Assess obstacles

No project goes along without a glitch. Assessing these challenges early in the project will help you be aware of situations that will arise. Be prepared for needing additional resources to complete the project. The obstacles also include competing projects, changing timelines, and unclear outcomes.

Prioritize Tasks

Not all tasks are equal in the amount of time required, the resources needed, or the placement in the timeline. Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Focus on completing high-priority tasks first, and then move on to less critical ones. This will help you make steady progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Early on in a project you have the most energy, enthusiasm, and resources to use. Be sure you are front-loading the most important tasks so make significant progress early in the project.


Break it Down

Breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks is crucial. This makes the project seem less overwhelming and allows you to focus on one task at a time. Divide the project into smaller milestones, and celebrate your achievements as you reach each one. This will help keep you motivated and on track. Use your tracking tool


Use Time Management Techniques

Effective time management is essential when managing a large project. Distraction and complexity come into play in any project. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time blocking to help you stay focused and productive. Set aside specific blocks of time to work on your project, and eliminate distractions during these times. Regularly monitor your progress. You can identify issues with time management by assessing how long parts of the project are taking and re-evaluating your original plan. You can adjust and adapt accordingly when monitoring regularly.


Collaborate and Delegate Responsibilities

You may have been assigned this project solely, but don’t go it alone. Bring in team members as needed to learn new skills, build energy, and move forward. Delegate tasks to team members or enlist the help of friends and family members if possible. Working as a team not only lightens your workload but also allows you to benefit from the skills and expertise of others. Routinely over-communicate, review resources, and bring together any loose pieces as you work together on the project.


Celebrate Successes

Celebrate the milestones along the way. Each step is an important step so acknowledge this. Treat yourself to a moment of gratulations, a small reward, or a celebration with your team to mark each step as well as the completion of the project. Assess what went well, and what could be improved on to learn best about project management.



It’s Leap Day! How will you spend your extra 24 hours?

It's leap day



Every four years, we are gifted an extra day—a day that magically appears on our calendars. Known as Leap Day, this is the extra 24 hours we have always wished for and presents a special opportunity to seize the day and make the most of our time. Since Leap Day falls on a Thursday, it would be as easy to use this day as any other Thursday. Take today to step away from everyday thinking and make it a different kind of Thursday.



One way to make Leap Day remarkable is to take this opportunity to dream big and plan long-term goals to set into motion throughout leap year. Whether it’s starting a new project, embarking on a spontaneous adventure, or trying out a new hobby, be imaginative and go just a little out of your comfort zone. This is a rare opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones and dare to dream bigger than ever before. Instead of simply going through the motions of daily routines, use this extra day to envision the kind of life you truly desire.


In today’s fast-paced world, we’re constantly bombarded with distractions that take us out of the present moment. Leap Day presents the perfect opportunity to unplug from technology, disconnect from the noise of everyday life, and reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Turn off your phone, step away from your computer, and take some time to be fully present and engaged in the here and now. If not all the whole day, try this after hours and into the evening.


Leap Day is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with others and strengthen your relationships. Reach out to friends or family members by text or phone, schedule a coffee date with a colleague, or organize a future get-together.  Take advantage of this extra day to cultivate meaningful connections with those around you. Engage in deep conversations, listen attentively to others, and show genuine interest in their lives. Whether it’s sharing your dreams and aspirations or offering a listening ear to someone in need, make the most of this opportunity to foster authentic connections and create bonds that transcend time.

Ramp up the “Extra”

Finally, embrace the theme of “extra” to propel our Leap Day experience to new heights. Take an extra-long walk in nature, indulge in some extra self-care, or dedicate extra time to a project you’ve been working on throughout February. Treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care by taking time for activities that nourish your whole self. Set aside extra time for a relaxing bath, practice mindfulness meditation, or pamper yourself with a healthy dinner at home. Prioritize activities that help you unwind, recharge, and replenish your energy levels to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  Embrace the theme of “extra” in everything you do, and approach the day with a sense of excitement, enthusiasm, and adventure. After all, Leap Day only comes around once every four years, so let’s make it count!


As we embark on this once-in-four-year adventure, let’s embrace Leap Day as a gift to yourself. Whether you choose to plan something exciting, unplug and reconnect, or simply add a little extra sparkle to your day, seize this opportunity to break away from the ordinary and make Leap Day a day to remember and use time throughout the day with intention.



Baby Steps to Add Structure to Your Work Week

Baby steps to add structure to your work week


Do you remember the structure of the school day?  There were time blocks for each subject and time for lunch and play.  As adults it can be difficult to find a pattern like this that fits for our work week. By starting small, you can create a productive structure throughout your week that makes life smoother. Here are 3 baby steps to add structure to your work week.


Theme Days

Assigning lengthy time blocks to specific topics makes it easier to be productive. A Theme Day assigns a set of certain tasks revolving around a specific area of work to a certain day. This could be Money Monday or Financial Friday. I have added Set up Sunday to my week to be sure I am ready to start the next week ready, organized, and prepared.  This strategy gives you ample time to complete the tasks, keeps you focused, and give you structure to your week.


Book end your day

Self-care happens best when scheduled. Take advantage of classes that occur twice a week to create structure. Attend the same classes for two days a week. For me, that is attending my Tuesday – Thursday 6 pm pilates class. This way I know that I have covered my exercise goals and ended each day with ample time for rest. By book ends, meaning the structuring the beginning or end of the day, I have followed Parkinson’s Law of work expands to fit the time allotted.


Incorporate routines

Routines are consistent patterns of activity that reinforce productivity and well-being. Having both start of the day and end the day routines helps create a daily structure for your week.

Start your day with a prioritized list of tasks each day. If you need a warm up to get started, organize the materials that are needed for each task then jump in.


End the day by closing down your station. Make a note of where you ended on your work. Re-prioritize your list for the next day. Place materials and resources back, clear your space, and push in your chair.

You will be relieved at the end of the day and excited at the start of the day with these new rituals that add structure to your week.


Empower horizontal time blocks

As you review your daily time blocks, add one horizontal time block at your most productive time slot. This power period at the same time each day throughout the week gives you time to do your most challenging and valuable work at your best time each day. Set this time block for projects that require deep thought. As a result your productivity will soar from dedicating this structure to your week.


Organizing your day with structure gives you a natural rhythm which offers powerful work flow. Add one of these baby steps to structure to your week this week.


7 Ways to Boost Summer Productivity


Summer has many positive “distractions” like vacations, kids in and out of camp, and one national holiday every month. It may not seem like this is the most productive time of the year. There are ways to maximize your summer productivity by taking advantage of these opportunities.


Prioritize projects and tasks

Natural breaks in the summer give you natural time blocks for deadlines. Use the breaks as the beginning and end of projects. Know what must be completed before a vacation and use your project management tools for calendaring these dates.


Tackle administrative tasks

Make a list of all the administrative tasks that you have not been able to check off this year. With a short window of time to execute, time block tasks that can be finished within a week’s time.


Learn new skills

Use the opportunity for quick deadlines to learn a new skill and complete professional development requirements. Listen and learn by video, audio, or webinar. Always wanted to knit or learn a new sport? Vary your learning with both professional and recreational study.


Plan ahead

Plan and schedule for the upcoming quarters. When you are back from one break, use that creative energy to think big about life and work. Assess goals, deadlines, and responsibilities. Review your strategies, plan your next steps, and add in accountability. Take this opportunity to reflect on what you might change with the changing current times.


Prioritize self-care

Take advantage of the summer extended daylight for exercise and meditation. Wake up to daylight and use this time for journaling or a walk. Exercise has many benefits for wellness. Try a new sport you want to try like pickleball. Choose relaxing self-care with a nap, reading, listening to music, or sitting by the water.


Clear clutter

Set up for success with a digital or physical decluttering session. Knowing that you have a time frame before the next holiday, use a daily time block to organize paper and digital files, and then create a system to efficiently manage these. Clearing clutter reduces frustration and overwhelm and creates clarity for your work.



Connections are our most important resource for support and well-being. Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, and clients to engage before or after work. Use holidays as connection points to meet up. Connect with a simple text of “I am thinking of you and hope you are having a great summer.” No matter how small, an act of kindness makes a big difference for others. Use this summer to connect through kindness with small thoughtful gestures for others.


Productivity is when you use your time best for the projects you have. Use this Summer to relax and recharge as well as move projects forward. Enjoy your breaks as natural ways to boost your energy and productivity.

ADHD Productivity Strategies For Getting Stuff Done


Ask people with ADHD how to get stuff done and you will be excited to learn that there are many ways to be productive. These can be less traditional, more customized solutions to getting started and implementing project management. Here are a few possibilities that work for my clients.


Strategies for getting started

  • Incorporate your time for getting started into your work time block. Set a timer for 15 minutes to get started. In 15 minutes you can find the materials you need and transition to the tasks required. It is best to allocate longer time blocks for work to be able to incorporate getting started and move into deep thinking.
  • Body doubling is partnering with another person who is doing work in the same space but not necessarily on the same topic. You discuss what you want to accomplish, set a timer and get started working. You can find a body double in your office or on FocusMate.
  • Set a meeting with your team to begin a task or project. Before the end of the meeting, start the first step. Beginning during the meeting is a lot like starting homework during class time in school.
  • Match your energy to your project. Choose the right time to do the highest priority work. Use your time best with this strategy.
  • Create a buffer time. Lower your stress with extra time. Allocate transition time in your schedule to transition. Schedule three times the amount of time blocks to complete a project. A buffer day is helpful for wrapping up loose ends.


Strategies for a task list

  • Use a new surface for writing reminders, like a bathroom mirror or dry-erase board.  This unique list keeps your list actionable and easy to see.
  • No matter whether it is digital or paper, breaking your tasks into micro-steps makes it easier to get stuff done. That is when you take any task or project and write it out step by step. If it is a task or project that is repeated regularly, make a template to follow each time.
  • Work in intervals to maximize your productivity on a task. Think of the Pomodoro Method with intervals of work and reset. You work for a duration you set (typical 45 minutes) and then reset (typically for 15 minutes). If you exercise, you are already skilled at this method from interval work like HIIT or running.
  • Externalize your getting started with apps. Automation helps you start a task with knowing what is next. Give yourself a heads up by assigning a date and time block for that task. This removes make a decision.  A project management app also integrates the materials you need with built-in organization.


Struggling? Try one of these strategies. Once you implement, track your progress and see how your productivity increases.

Make the Most of Every Day for those with ADHD


make the most of your day adhd


Organizing and productivity tips are everywhere online, on our devices, and in articles.  Having a productive, meaningful and balanced day can be difficult to accomplish. Choosing strategies and executing actions can be frustrating because of interruptions. Here are ways you can break through to feel accomplished at the end of the day.


Move from overwhelmed to in charge

  • It is easy to over plan and be overly optimistic about what can be accomplished in a day. Overplanning by packing every time block can be a cycle with no rewards. Start your planning with time blocks and allow for overflow options and time for last-minute changes. Overflow options include an end-of-day wrap-up section or designating Friday as a catch-up day.
  • Plan self-care every day. That time gives you the energy to be your most productive the rest of the day. That might be setting a boundary on starting and ending your day. A lunchtime walk or lunch with a friend can energize you.
  • Align your plan with your colleagues and boss through collaboration. When priorities are not aligned, or when others plan poorly, you have more interruptions to your day. A weekly project meeting and collaboration tools help you stay in charge of your day.
  • Know that your task list relates to the big picture and the meaning of your work. Reframing and destressing your task list, connecting to the reason behind each step, helps you feel like a contributor instead of a worker bee.


Use your calendar as your road map

  • Set up time blocks that work best for you. A time block can be 90 minutes or longer depending on how long you allocate and how you work best.
  • Keep your calendar where you can see it to be your guide daily. Set up a hybrid system with your calendar and your devices if an auditory reminder will keep you on track. Check your calendar routinely throughout the day to know what is next and what is planned for tomorrow.
  • Use transition time wisely. You may decide that you want fewer transitions in your day and assign themes to the day. That is when you assign specific related tasks to a specific day.
  • Meetings can be a valuable time to collaborate with productive strategies. Include time blocks to prepare, capture and complete tasks from meetings. Transition between meetings with a prep time to be prepared to contribute. Takes notes and add information to your collaboration tools during your meeting. End the meeting with a wrap-up of actions and assignments.


Minimize distractions that take time away from being productive

  • Be aware of your devices and the impact they have. Use airplane mode for your devices during time blocks. A five-minute scroll can turn into extended time away from work.
  • Be intentional about your use of social media. Determine when and how you will be online during the day.
  • Internet blockers help you stay on track. RescueTime assesses how much time you are being productive and on task.
  • For internal distractions, think about online body double help. For a virtual focused time, join Focusmate for virtual coworking.
  • Keep a specific task list, prioritized in the morning or night before, on your desk to remind you of your priorities for the day.


Get more done in less time

  • We all have a chronotype, where we are at our peak productivity time. Get more done by matching your best work time to the task requirements.
  • Batching your work helps you ramp up your productivity. Group similar activities together, such as bill paying, phone calls, email responses, or errands, to be more efficient.
  • Single task to get more done. Focus on one thing at a time to completion.
  • Use checklists to know all the steps in a process. This removes decision-making, giving you more time and taking less energy to complete a task or project.
  • Add routines to your week. Routines can be for both home and work, giving you the time pre-set and automated to get stuff done. Routines keep us happy and healthy.


Use lists wisely

  • Post-it notes, notebooks, and other writing devices are great to capture thoughts. Take this to the next step by consolidating your list on paper or in an easy-to-use app. The magic of a brain dump is that it clears your mind. The magic of consolidating is that you have a spot for all the tasks in one place.
  • Process and prioritize your list each day. You can be very optimistic about what you can accomplish. Specify the three Most Important Tasks (MITs) each day. Add three bonus MITs just in case you can accomplish more. Focus on these to feel accomplished at the end of the day. Make your MITs visual with a list on your desk.
  • Hold your own Weekly Planning meeting each with your list and your planner. Slot in tasks into time blocks that work with your energy and the task requirements.


There are many steps to have a productive day. Take away one of these strategies and work toward integration into your day.