Transform Your Well-Being: The Power of Self-Care Apps

transform the power of self care with apps


We live life at a fast pace, a pace that requires a high level of self-care. With everyone’s busy schedules, finding time and resources to invest in our well-being can be difficult. Thankfully, the technology has brought into existence a revolutionary solution: self-care apps. These digital options offer a variety of benefits that can elevate your self-care routine.

Accessibility at Your Fingertips

One of the most significant advantages of self-care apps is their accessibility. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can access a variety of wellness resources right from your smartphone. You might need a quick meditation session during your lunch break or guidance on improving your sleep hygiene before bed, these apps are available whenever you need them, empowering you to prioritize self-care amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.


Personalized Support Tailored to You

One-size-fits-all wellness advice has given way to customized approaches to self-care. Self-care apps leverage the power of technology to offer personalized support tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Through algorithms and user input, these apps can curate customized recommendations and interventions designed to address your specific goals and challenges. Whether you’re focusing on managing stress, improving your fitness, or cultivating mindfulness, these apps can adapt to your journey, providing guidance every step of the way.


Engagement and Accountability

Staying motivated and accountable to our self-care goals can be a struggle at times. This is where self-care apps truly make a difference. Many of these platforms incorporate gamification elements, such as progress tracking, achievement badges, and social features, to enhance user engagement and motivation. By transforming self-care activities into interactive and rewarding experiences, these apps inspire you to stay committed to your well-being journey and celebrate your progress along the way.


Community and Connection

Self-care is not just about individual practices—it’s also about fostering connections and support networks. Many self-care apps offer built-in communities where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and offer encouragement to one another. Whether you’re seeking advice, inspiration, or simply a sense of belonging, these communities provide a supportive environment where you can thrive and grow alongside others on similar paths.


Holistic Wellness

Last but not least, self-care apps empower you to take a holistic approach to your well-being, addressing not only your physical health but also your mental, emotional, and social wellness. From guided meditations and fitness tracking to mood journaling and gratitude exercises, these apps encompass a wide range of tools and resources to support your overall wellness journey. By nurturing all aspects of your health, these apps help you cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and a profound sense of fulfillment in your life.


There are numerous apps available to support self-care across various aspects of physical and mental well-being. Here are some popular ones that cater to different aspects of self-care:

  • Headspace:
    • Purpose: Meditation and mindfulness.
    • Features: Guided meditations, sleep exercises, and mindfulness practices.
  • Calm:
    • Purpose: Stress reduction and relaxation.
    • Features: Guided meditations, sleep stories, calming music, and breathing exercises.
  • MyFitnessPal:
    • Purpose: Physical health and nutrition tracking.
    • Features: Food diary, exercise tracking, and a supportive community.
  • Sleep Cycle:
    • Purpose: Improved sleep quality.
    • Features: Smart alarm clock, sleep tracking, and analysis of sleep patterns.
  • Daylio:
    • Purpose: Mood and journal tracking.
    • Features: Daily mood logging, journaling, and insights into emotional patterns.
  • Happify:
    • Purpose: Emotional well-being and stress reduction.
    • Features: Activities and games designed to boost happiness and resilience.
  • Finch Self-Care:
    • Purpose: Mental well-being and self-care management.
    • Features: Mood tracking, self-care activities, journaling, and community support.

Remember that everyone engages with apps differently and the use and effectiveness of these apps can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to choose the ones that resonate with you and your needs. Some apps offer free versions with optional premium features or subscription plans for a more comprehensive experience. Always check the app store for the latest reviews and updates.


Do you have a favorite app for your self-care?

Turn from Cold and Dark to Sunny and Warm: Finding Support in Winter Days

finding support in winter days


Dark, cold, snowy, and rainy weather can take a toll on our emotional well-being during the Winter. Add to that the anxiety you feel as our world has become chaotic. Winter can be an emotionally challenging season for many.  As a certified professional organizer who specializes in working with ADHD clients, I’m here to help you navigate this Winter with strategies to find joy, stay organized, offer support, and have meaningful conversations that nourish your soul.


Start with your space

Create a cozy and organized space in your home. Start by decluttering your surroundings which can reduce distractions and those being of being overwhelmed. Donate or pack away items that are no longer needed, and focus on keeping your space neat and organized. A well-organized environment can provide a sense of calm and control, reducing stress and anxiety. Take time each day to create the order you want in your home.


Build routines that support you

Establish routines that support you. With ADHD, establishing systems and setting realistic goals is essential for maintaining mental health during the winter. Think of systems that work best with your personal style, especially systems that rely on only the slightest of energy. Break your tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and use tools like to-do lists, calendars, and reminders to keep track of your progress. Systems for meal prep and laundry support you in accomplishing daily tasks, creating order in your space, and helping your mental well-being.

Connect with others

Embrace what you love about the season with others. Winter is a time for meaningful conversations while inside. Plan gatherings with friends and family to share experiences and time together. At the same time, remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Be the person who builds others up, empowers others to take appropriate risks, and cheers others on their paths. Stave off perfectionism with realistic conversations with others about productivity and ownership. Celebrate your own and everyone’s successes. At the same time, approach those things that are not working as failures but rather as opportunities to do something different even though change is hard.


Embrace nature

Research shows the importance of vitamin D with natural sunlight for mental health and sleep hygiene. Keep your time outdoors brief and brisk with quick walks. Admire the beauty of freshly covered snowy landscapes. Stay inside and start a new exercise class with yoga or pilates. if you have the means, take a trip to a sunny warm climate for a short time away. Nature has a calming effect and can help you clear your mind and be present.


Practice self-care

Acknowledging and recognizing anxiety is the first step for self-care. It is important to know when to reset, slow down, and up your level of self-care. Consider coordinating yoga and pilates in your daily routine. These practices elevate your sense of well-being. Self-care can look like being sure to go to the doctor as needed, exercising, hydrating, eating healthy, and setting aside time to do what you love. Building a bigger team to help with your home and family is as much self-care as anything else. That includes your coach, therapist, doctor, certified professional organizer, cleaning person, and any other support.


A warm Winter embrace is here for you. By organizing your space, setting realistic goals, connecting with nature, having meaningful conversations, and practicing self-care, you can feel joy, be at peace, and have mental well-being during the cold months. With the right strategies and a positive mindset, you can make winter a season of happiness.

2024 My Word of the Year: Reimagine

2024 word of the year reimagine



As we enter the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect, set intentions, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Instead of the traditional New Year’s resolutions, many are turning to the practice of choosing a “Word of the Year” to guide and inspire their journey. I love the simplicity and beauty of this practice. I also want to share the thoughts behind the word that will be my compass for the year: “Reimagine.”

Choosing Your Word of the Year

Selecting a Word of the Year is a powerful practice that involves choosing a single word to reflect your intentions, aspirations, and the energy you want to bring to your life this year. Unlike traditional resolutions, your word offers guidance and clarity for your life and at work.

Here’s a guide to help you choose your word:

  • Take a moment to reflect on the past year. What lessons did you learn? What areas of your life do you want to enhance or transform? Consider both the challenges and triumphs.
  • Are there recurring themes or goals emerging from your reflections? Is there a common thread that reveals a particular focus?
  • Consider your emotions for the coming year. Do you seek joy, courage, balance, or growth? Your chosen word should resonate with the emotions you want to cultivate.
  • Your vision of your year will empower your Word of the Year. What images, colors, or themes come to mind? Visualization can help uncover a word that aligns with your aspirations.

The Power of “Reimagine”

Now,  let me share with you my chosen word for the year: “Reimagine.” This word holds a world of possibilities that encourages curiosity and challenge, fostering creativity and innovation.

  1. Embracing Creativity:
    • “Reimagine” challenges us to approach life’s canvas with a palette of creativity. In my career, relationships, and personal growth, I am looking towards a spirit of innovation that will open up possibilities.
  2. Adapting to Change:
    • In a world that is constantly evolving, “Reimagine” invites me to embrace change with open arms. It encourages a mindset shift which includes viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation.
  3. Cultivating Resilience:
    • Life is a journey filled with twists and turns. “Reimagine” prompts me to bounce back from setbacks and find new paths. I look forward to cultivating additional resilience.
  4. Expanding Perspectives:
    • “Reimagine” encourages me to break free from limiting beliefs and explore different perspectives. This word opens up the lens of curiosity, empathy, and understanding.


Choosing your Word of the Year is a lovely way to set the tone for the upcoming year. Whatever word resonates with your heart, let it be a guiding light toward growth, joy, and fulfillment. Here’s to a year filled with wonder, transformation, and the joy of rediscovery!

In Honor of Get Organized Month 2024


January is Get Organized (GO) month! This annual celebration of all things organizing connects with goals and New Year’s resolutions for the coming year. Getting organized is always one of the top 3 New Year’s resolutions.


This year take a non-traditional route to getting organized. Throughout the month, each blog post will share not-so-typical strategies to declutter, create routines, and schedule time for what is important to you. Here are some ways to find success in your organizing at home and work.


Making change happen

Having an awareness that things are not working is the first step in making change happen. However, it takes commitment and accountability to move forward. Finding your “why” helps you commit to new habits and routines. Sharing your “why” and finding partners along the way help you be accountable for the new habits.


Working from  your strengths

Too often we learn about organizing strategies that will not work for you. Learn more about your learning modalities and work from these strengths to help you create systems that will work for you.


Think systems

Creating systems is one of the best ways to be organized, save time, and maximize productivity. A system is a method or process that you create to carry out repeated actions in a consistent way. Even better, systems can be automated and streamlined to maximize efficiency. A system is the best way to save your sanity.


Add strong self-care as support

Energy and ideas work together to create change. The more energy you have, the easier it is to modify your lifestyle. That energy comes from self-care like a good night’s rest, hydration, exercise, and time in the sunlight.


Enjoy this month’s blog posts as you enter a fresh new year!

Baby Steps to Boost Resilence

Baby steps to boost reslience


Resilience means the ability to weather challenges, recover quickly from difficulties, and the capacity to spring back into shape. In our uncertain world, we utilize this quality every day in our work, home, and life. Every day, we face tests where things take longer than expected, become more complicated, and can be frustrating. Boost your resilience through self-care by incorporating one or more of these baby steps.


Connect with others

Take a moment to actively seek opportunities to connect with others. Engage in small talk by asking about your colleagues’ weekend plans, inquiring about their family, or establishing common ground, such as discussing the importance of coffee to start the day. Start a new hobby or engage in a philanthropic project to find new energy and build friendships. Building camaraderie starts with these small conversations and establishes connections.


Plan outdoor time

Research highlights the significance of spending time outdoors. It rejuvenates our systems by providing Vitamin D, aids in disease prevention, and enhances overall well-being. Take a few minutes to step outside, whether it’s walking from the parking lot to the office or strolling around the backyard. Enjoy coffee or lemonade outside at a coffee spot. Sit outside for a few minutes every evening as the temperatures cool. Tend a container garden with fall herbs. Your time outside will benefit your sleep too.


Pause and express gratitude

Take a moment to reflect on one positive aspect of your day. Embrace that brief moment of joy and appreciate something that brought you happiness. Place a small souvenir from a vacation at your desk or add a photo to your screen to remind of you of your time away. Write a note to a friend, pick up a funny card to share, or text a quick thank you.


Escort your devices out of the bedroom

A great night’s rest without blue light or interruption makes all the difference for your productivity. Sleep well with time away from what keeps you awake.


Share kindness

A colleague shared how a few minutes of time on the phone about a concern helped another person do so much. She declined payment for the phone time and instead that person donated to the local food bank instead. The power of helping makes a big difference. Find a small way you can share kindness in a difficult situation. It might be acknowledging that others are doing a great job while in their own difficult situation with emotional support, bringing food to a family undergoing difficult circumstances, or letting someone ahead of you in line.


Choose a way to cultivate your resilience through pausing, reflecting, and taking time for self-care. Squeeze in a few minutes daily for this important skill that builds emotional resilience.



Prioritizing What’s Important to You



I love to learn! Each year I give myself the gift of professional development. This week I am at NAPO 2023 Summit, the annual conference for our professional association and industry. I prioritize what is important to me which is learning with my peers for the benefit of my clients. Pictured with me here are NAPO Summit work team including Mimi Brown, keynote speaker for our Summit.


Know what is important to you

Education brings me joy. It is easy for me to know this is important for me. How do you know what is important to you? Think about what brings you joy.


Make it happen

  • No matter what date, there will always be conflicts in scheduling. We have to make choices. I choose to make this happen by writing this on my planner well in advance. I share this love of learning with clients who know I will be away at this time. You can make your priority happen by writing it in your planner.
  • I have learned that we need resources to make our priorities happen. I save funds each year for this opportunity. I allocate appropriate resources to travel, meals, and registration. Make your priority happen by using your resources wisely.
  • Sharing what I love with those I love helps me prioritize. They are my cheerleaders and encourage me to follow my path.


I encourage each of you to write a list of your three top priorities and make these happen!




Happy Relationships and ADHD Connections

happy relationships and adhd


According to a recent Harvard Study shared in the Wall Street Journal, our connection with others is the most beneficial impact on the longevity of our lives.

“Through all the years of studying these lives, one crucial factor stands out for the consistency and power of its ties to physical health, mental health and longevity. Contrary to what many people might think, it’s not career achievement, or exercise, or a healthy diet. Don’t get us wrong; these things matter. But one thing continuously demonstrates its broad and enduring importance: good relationships.”


Relationships are complex. With ADHD in the mix, even more so. Symptoms can impact partners, friends, family, and colleagues. Emotional regulation can cause people to feel disconnected and hurt. Adding structure to our lives can connect us with those we love and care about.


Foundations to connection

Your values show up in your relationships.  Authenticity, respect, and honesty are important when in a relationship. Respect is when we accept someone for who they are, even if they are different in how they think or look. This feels like trust, safety, and well-being and is communicated by the appropriate tone of language, physical touch, and attentive listening. At times symptoms of ADHD can be viewed as disrespectful. Executive function challenges like impulsivity and emotional regulation can interfere. Knowing about these challenges helps both partners navigate when this happens.

Respect is fostered by boundaries. Boundaries are the limits we put in place, whether mental, emotional, physical, or more. These are the expectations stated to start and stay in respectful relationships. To be in a relationship with anyone, with ADHD or not, means to have stated what is okay and what is not. Healthy boundaries are a part of every positive relationship.


Strategies that foster communication and connection

In the busy times we live in, having a structure for communicating and connecting makes relationships intentional.


Build structure in your daily life that reinforces communication. Time allocated as together time prioritizes your family and partner. Family dinner together is a powerful connection. Each evening you gather to discuss, process, and applaud each other. This time together empowers all of the family as individuals and creates unity as a team. You and your partner might also choose a daily check-in time with calendars after dinner to be sure home and work run smoothly. Make dinner time not so much about the specific foods you are eating as the time together.


A weekly structure can include a weekly family meeting and weekly date night for partners. A weekly family meeting opens up communication and coordinates schedules for everyone. Your family calendar is where to find dates and details of family life. End your family meeting with fun. Your weekly date night gives you and your partner time away from the daily conversations and offers you opportunities for new activities and adventure.


Strategies that support self-care

Practice self-care that empowers good communication. Knowing what you need for your own self-care, whether that is time away from family you love in order to reset, helps you do your best with relationships. Strong self-care starts with a good night’s rest, setting time to step away and pause, and knowing your productivity patterns.


At times the best self-care comes with delegating. We can’t do it all and we shouldn’t. Having a cleaning person, laundry person, lawn person, or virtual assistant are all supportive self-care for all the extra tasks that need to be done at home and work.  Finding specific solutions for specific situations sets up a solution-minded framework. When you feel supported, you can do your best with what matters most.


Gathering support

There are many ways to gather support for you and your partner. Therapy, coaching, and support groups are available both in person and virtually to support you in your relationships. These professionals are available to help you learn more about ADHD and ADHD symptoms as well as anxiety and co-existing conditions. They will help you recognize skills and focus on working from your strengths.



How to Start the Week Strong with Sunday Night Routines

Sunday night routines


The transition from a relaxing weekend to a busy week can be stressful. Labeled “Sunday scaries,” many families experience a sense of dread on Sunday evening. There are ways that organization can help! You can start the week off strong with a positive Sunday evening routine.


Begin with a Sunday start to the week mindset

As much as Sunday evening is the end of the weekend, it is also a fresh start to the week. Note your perspective that your week starts here rather than Monday morning. Embracing routines that reinforce this mindset helps you prepare for your week. A Sunday evening family dinner or family meeting set the stage for this transition as you meet together as a family and talk about the week ahead.


Create a Sunday evening routine

A Sunday evening routine helps you focus and prepare for the week ahead. Start in the late afternoon with your routine. Plan ahead for an early bedtime and prepare ahead of time for this for you and your family. Prepare your materials for work or school and prepare lunch for the next day. Review your calendar for Monday. Wind down by reading or journaling. Your Sunday night routine includes calming self-care. That self-care carries over to emotional regulation.


Host a Sunday night reset

Throughout the week and over the weekend, life is busy and stuff gets disorganized. Wrangle it all back to where it goes with a Sunday night reset. That is when you pick up, put away, and place everything back. The Sunday night reset helps you start the week freshly organized.


Plan self-care for the week ahead

Planning self-care for the week ahead makes your week easier.  Of course, there will be much to do, however knowing when you will be going to an exercise class, taking a walk, or doing yoga or pilates, help you balance the stress of the week with relaxation. Look ahead to your schedule for the week and write in your self-care.


Write stuff down on a master list

Take a few minutes to capture all the thoughts, actions, projects, and any other tasks on a list. Clearing your head will lessen anxiety. Use this list during your weekly planning time and time block your tasks. Weekly planning time gives you a specific time to get organized, prioritize, and manage all your projects well.


Say no to distractions on Sunday evening

It is tempting to numb on Sunday evening with a late night of streaming services or looking at social media. Know the value of making a plan and sticking to that. Your work-life integration will be what benefits you most.


End your weekend with calm and start the week strong with a Sunday night routine.

2023 My Word of the Year Trajectory

2023 word of the year trajectory


For many years now I have used my word of the year as a guidepost for my work and life. It appeals to me as a way to keep my big picture in view and follow through with the intentions I set for myself. As a whole, we are moving away from new year’s resolutions. Those resolutions were easily made and easily broken. Some resolutions were not specific and some were too difficult to achieve. The Word of the Year keeps us mindful throughout the year of our intentions.


This year I have chosen the word trajectory.

A noun, defined as the path or curve followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces. Similar words are course, route, path, track, or line.

You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results. James Clear, Atomic Habits

While events change our lives, intention changes the trajectory. ― Richie Norton

However, a good life consists of more than simply the totality of enjoyable experiences. It must also have a meaningful pattern, a trajectory of growth that results in the development of increasing emotional, cognitive, and social complexity. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Why this word?

Over the previous years, I have included data-driven decisions in my work and life. A trajectory follows data. That makes use of the data I have to hopefully create a curve that I have planned. As our lives evolve and we continue with uncertain times, my goal is a positive, upward trajectory. As we know, this is not always the case. Have you seen the Liz and Mollie squiggle that represents the true trajectory to tackle a project? That squiggle reminds us the path is not always straight up to the right. However, that squiggle also represents forward movement no matter.

Life and relationships are less predictable. Gratefully embracing the connections with a positive trajectory is my goal. Life is more squiggly than work!


Setting your Word of the Year

Setting your Word of the Year is a positive exercise. Think about this year and what might not have happened. Then, think about a small change you want or something you want to continue. Try on two or three words for your word.  It is a small way to assess where you are and where you want to be.






How my Word of the Year Strategic Made a Difference


Each year I recap the experience of my Word of the Year. It helps me evaluate the impact of my word and helps me choose a new word. Reflection and evaluation can be insightful and bring the experience full circle to start again.


What this word meant to me

Details are important. However, details can overshadow and pull us down to the point that we miss the big picture. This year I wanted to start in a new direction and keep a big view of my business, my work with clients, my connections, and my purpose. The word Strategic came to me as a way to get that big picture. Rather than getting stuck in details, I wanted a way to see a new view of how to move forward and how to help others move forward as well.


How I used my word this year

My word Strategic gave me so much more insight than I might have imagined.

  • Being strategic gave me boundaries. When details got too big or heavy, I had a bigger perspective on a situation. Those boundaries helped me see where to move forward in a circumstance, with a connection, and with where I spend my time.
  • When you are strategic, you have big goals. Big goals give direction. I felt empowered to think beyond the day-to-day work and know how to broaden my scope of work. I have the confidence to work within a larger framework.
  • Through coaching, my word Strategic was a guide for helping others find their direction. Being strategic taps into all of our core values. Bringing those values to the top helps me and allows me to help others to reach their goals.


What’s next

As 2022 comes to a close, my word of the year is going to continue to guide my actions and thoughts. Taking my word Strategic forward will serve me well.


Bonus! Use this Year in Review to evaluate your year!



year in review