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412 search results for: Word of the year


Setting Holiday Priorities

    Every year we vow to simplify our holidays.  Starting with Thanksgiving, there are extra social and organizational responsibilities that require executive function skills. The best way to do this is by prioritizing. That can be difficult because everything seems important and meaningful. Focus on what matters most by using these strategies to help […]


Happy Holidays Where All Is Calm, All Is Bright

Holiday gifting, meal planning and travel all require executive function skills with planning and execution. Because of this, holidays can be anything but calm and bright for those with ADHD.  Use these eleven holiday reminders to keep merry all season long. Start with a list An overtaxed working memory is the flaw of ADHD. Why […]


Organizing and Creating Your Home Inventory

      Our state is well versed in emergency preparation. We have emergency pantry supplies, back up power sources, and lots of batteries. We are prepared. Learning about the uncertainty and frequency of emergencies, we are reminded of the next steps and the necessity of creating and organizing a home inventory.  September is National […]


5 Small Starts for Emergency Preparedness

  September is Emergency Preparedness Month for good reason.  We have faced emergencies for many years and these seem to be more frequent and more intense. At the same time emergencies frighten and overwhelm us.  Now’s the time for us to button up our resources and start small.  Some of the simplest ways to prepare […]