Entries by Ellen

Back to School Rules for your ADHD Family

    The nightly homework battle starts as soon as school opens.  It’s a daily chore to keep up with papers for both parents and kids. There’s too much to do, not enough time, and not enough rest.  The unending cycle of tension and anxiety takes  a toll quickly for families.  Here’s back to school […]

Start Small Go Big

    How can SMALL and BIG be used together for organizing?  When we think of these opposites, can we use these together in getting organized?  Well here’s how!   Organizing and productivity are overwhelming. The most frequent question is how do I get started?  Whether your view is a cluttered desk or home, it’s not […]

Hugs and happy organizing: Bathroom Organizing

Hugs and happy organizing are client success stories.  Here’s a story about a client’s bathroom and bathroom organizing.   Bathrooms are busy places! It’s where you get ready in the morning to get out of the house quickly and easily.  Bathrooms are also where there’s a lot of potential clutter. There’s hair, makeup and products […]

I am an Organizer Coach now!

A common element I have learned about all of us is that we need support.  That support can look like many things and come from many different elements. Support comes from processing information, using what we know, and incorporating our strengths into a new awareness and perspective. You are using your strengths and knowledge to […]

3 ADHD Productivity Tips

  ADHD and other brain based conditions impact productivity. It’s the quest to “get stuff done.” You start and are interrupted by other people, social media or the thoughts in your head.  With so much going on in your head, it’s difficult to focus. With each distraction, it takes an average of 15 minutes to regain complete […]

6 Areas to Declutter to Sell Your Home Fast

A decluttered home speeds up the sale of your home.  After years of living in your home, you have collected more than 2000 in just three rooms! It’s clear that a new buyer wants to see your home, not all the clutter in it.  Realtors know that home buyers see themselves in something beautiful, organized, […]