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31 search results for: Pause


Embracing Joy with ADHD During the Holiday Season

  The holiday season often means joy, laughter, and togetherness. However, for individuals with ADHD, it can also mean long task lists, impossible levels of perfectionism, and overstimulation with sights, sounds and emotions. With intention and strategies, you can enjoy the magic of the season.   Plan with Purpose One of the strategies during the […]


Baby Steps to Boost Resilence

  Resilience means the ability to weather challenges, recover quickly from difficulties, and the capacity to spring back into shape. In our uncertain world, we utilize this quality every day in our work, home, and life. Every day, we face tests where things take longer than expected, become more complicated, and can be frustrating. Boost […]


How to Acknowledge and Strengthen Executive Function Skills

  Executive function skills are skills controlled by the brain that include planning, focus, goal setting, and emotional regulation. Those with skill challenges in this area find it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions. There are many reasons that people have trouble with executive function including ADHD, brain injury, learning differences, and more. […]


Practicing Routines during the Holidays

    Holidays disrupt our routines with extra tasks to do and more events and parties to attend. We get off track with our daily self-care of bedtime, healthy eating, and mindfulness. Practicing routines during the holidays is most important because our routines keep life moving smoothly. Here are strategies on how to keep your […]


Start the Year with Connection

      Referred to by Dr. Edward Hallowell as Vitamin C (Connection), being supported and connected makes all the difference for our well being. Research shows that social connection improves physical health, strengthens our immune system and leads to overall longevity. It is easy to lose track of connections with the demands of family […]