Entries by Ellen

Weekend Warriors: Taking Care of your Car: My Vehicle’s Glove Box is Full of Paper! Help!

This is the fourth in a series about “Weekend Warrior: Organizing and Taking Care of your Home and Car.”  This guest post is by  Lynn Beckwith, owner of Beckwith’s Car Care, sharing ideas on what papers to keep in your glove box.   Our glove boxes become miniature filing cabinets over the years as we continue to […]

Weekend Warrior: Taking Care and Organizing Your Home and Car: Adding Comfort and Saving Money in Your Home

This is the third in a series about “Weekend Warrior: Organizing and Taking Care of your Home and Car.”  This guest post is by  Todd Armstrong, owner of Armstrong Home Services, sharing ideas on adding comfort and saving money in your home. “Its cold in here!” “Honey, can you feel that draft?” Imagine yourself, sitting comfortably […]

Goal setting for the new year

Trying to make a change?  Here are some thoughtful resources  to begin the process! 10 Questions to Ask Yourself http://www.huffingtonpost.com/levi-benshmuel/tired-of-new-years-resolu_b_801668.html My Specific Goals by MomAgenda http://www.momagenda.com/printable/index.html Organize to Revitalize http://dallisonlee.com/blog/2010/12/27/resolutions-are-a-waste-of-time/ Zig Ziglar’s Seven Steps to Goal Setting