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409 search results for: Word of the year


Want to get organized in 2012? Clutter Diet Membership Specials until January 16, 2012

So many people want to get organized for the New Year, but if you are on a budget or don’t otherwise have access to hire a professional organizer, I wanted to share with you a resource to help and let you know about a special deal.  In 2006 organizing expert Lorie Marrero created The Clutter Diet®, an innovative online […]


100 days to Christmas

Each year we vow to get started early for our holiday preparations.  We also want to make the holidays more meaningful and connected, less about stuff and more about people.  Jennifer Tankersley created the 100 Days to Christmas E-Book for you! Jennifer, owner of ListPlanIt, was inspired in 2008 to start off the holiday season on […]


Emergency Preparedness: Organizing Your Important Documents

    For the past few weeks, our news has been filled with weather related emergencies, family’s homes being devastated, and natural disasters.  On any given day, we could be faced with the unexpected in a significant way.  In case of emergency, we want to have access to the very important papers we need to assist […]


TEAMwork for your Family

  The start of a new school year means everyone working together for their best year yet!  Each family member helping makes all the difference. Remember, Together We Achieve More!  Family teamwork brings everyone together, helping and sharing responsibilities. Start homework time at the same time for all your kids.  This way all the distractions […]


Spring Cleaning: Big Cleaning

  It might be called spring cleaning.  Not to be confused with organizing, these are projects that make our homes sparkle.  Our parents had time to deep clean each room and even wash the windows.  However in our busy world, we seldom can get the dishwasher loaded and unloaded.  Here is a basic checklist for The Big Clean for […]


Sync or Swim: 201 Organizing Tips You Need to Survive the Currents of Change

  Sync or Swim: 201 Organizing Tips You Need to Survive the Currents of Change are the next-generation organizing tips for getting things done and controlling clutter without falling into a sea of complexity. Seventy organizing and productivity specialists share 201 of their best tips and 100 most valuable resources in home management, information organization, […]


Reminders: Task Management, Technology and More

  Sometimes we need reminders to help us get our tasks done, be on time, and honor our priorities.  Here are some systems to use!     Technology reminders Daily Nudge helps you remember the important things in life. Setup regular, free electronic reminders, or “nudges”, to arrive in your inbox or cell-phone.   […]