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408 search results for: Word of the year


DIY Personalized Christmas Gifts

  The most treasured of gifts are the homemade ones.  The most expensive gift is not as treasured as the one made with love.  It’s what we all think makes our holiday special.  Holiday treasures are around us in our homes and all it takes is a scanner to create a personalized holiday gift.  These […]


8 Ways to have a Stress Free Holiday

        It’s easy to be overwhelmed at holiday time. There’s so many activities, so much to accomplish and so many ways to get off track.  Added together, these take away holiday fun.  Staying focused on holiday joy requires holiday organizing.  Choose one of these 8 simple tips for less stress this holiday […]


5 Basic Rules of Organizing

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know the rules when you start a new project? When you put together that new bookshelf, it would be great if there were big bold letters that tell you to double check the front and back of the segments?  Or when you are making a new dish, would […]


Organizing Business Contacts

  At a networking event, during a business meeting, or even in the grocery store, we get business contacts.  The contact could be in a text, written on a napkin or copied on a post it.  There’s also that stack of business cards from years past too.  You want to easily store and access contacts […]


Going Paperless: Scanning

  Scanners are a popular way to make paper disappear. With more affordable scanners, many homes and offices are purchasing these as an alternative for paper files.  You can scan paper, expenses, receipts, photos and more with a scanner.  It’s a great way to eliminate paper clutter and its easier to find information too!   […]


Going Paperless: Eliminating paper

      Have you decided that there is too much paper in your home or office?  Thinking about making a small change with paper in your home or office? According to a survey by Esselte, “88% of those responding felt that technology has helped them get organized.” Are you thinking about going paperless?  There […]