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9 search results for: hurricane


Lessons Learned from Hurricane Beryl

  Houston, we have a problem. It’s been a three-month series of weather surprises. The biggest blow to our community happened a little over a week ago. Houstonians faced another weather challenge that being Hurricane Beryl. We felt prepared but there are always some surprises. We had little over 24 hours to prepare for the […]


Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season begins on June 1 and extends until November 1.  Being ready has different meanings depending on whether you stay or leave your home.  Having been through 2 major hurricanes in 3 years,  Houstonians want to be prepared.  September is National Preparedness Month too! Important papers In a small portable safe, organize these documents: copy of passport, […]


Updates to Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

    Every year we prepare for possible hurricanes here in Houston. Now we know that there are many different emergencies that crop up. Preparing in advance helps us in the moment of the situation but also with feeling capable of helping others as well. Here are six updates you can make for your smart […]


Emergency Preparedness: Lessons Learned

  A little under 2 years ago, Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast.  Our community Kingwood, Texas suffered great losses. From loss comes lessons! It’s where we learn that we can help others too.  Here are several lessons learned on emergency preparedness that help you.   Protecting your home and finances Most of our community […]



      NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, supports a cause each year. This year our efforts are focused on hurricane relief.  Our members have compiled a consolidated list of hurricane resources for your donations.  Many of us in the greater Houston area have already been giving our time and energy […]


Getting Prepared and Organized in Case of an Emergency

    Disasters happen across the US and throughout the year resulting in property damage, injuries and stress. There are some tasks that you can do to keep yourself organized during these potentially high stress situations.  Getting prepared and organized in case of an emergency makes everyone feel in control and as ready as possible. […]