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412 search results for: Word of the year



In a word filled with fear, where do we start with gratitude?  There’s stress about relationships, health, work and family.  It’s well documented the relationship between happiness and gratitude.  Gratitude is the key to happiness, productivity and organization. How do we practice gratitude? Starting your day with gratitude A grateful start to your day shapes […]


Family Holiday Traditions

  Family holiday traditions are what make memories.  It’s experiences and gifts you remember for years to come that are repeated annually.  There’s lots of family traditions including annual cookie swaps, trips to the Nutcracker Ballet, or Ugly Sweater competitions. Every tradition requires planning and organization.  Most important are dates and deadlines. When will you […]


4 Ways to Simplify Holiday Gift Giving

    Have you been gathering gifts all year in your gift closet?  Maybe you have been tucking away your unloved gifts to regift to another.  It may be an important gesture to share gifts teachers and others you want to appreciate.  The holiday season sweeps us up into gift giving.  It’s the time of […]



Gratitude    noun grat·i·tude \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\ simple definition of gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks I am grateful for our connection!  This year has connected me to more colleagues, friends, family and clients.  Each of you has shared my joy with laughter and silly sayings. You have each shared with me leadership, learning, […]


Do this NOW to get ready for the holidays

  It’s October and we are starting to see twinkling lights on holiday trees.  It’s tempting to wait for the day after Thanksgiving. There’s a big list ahead of you. Capitalize on the time by getting ready in small ways for the holiday.  Stretch your preparation time forward into October.  Do this NOW to get […]


Live the Life You Imagined

  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.   This quote by Henry David Thoreau may be the start of something amazing for you!  Have you thought of how your stuff may be holding you back?  Have you thought about how with less you can start a project of […]